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  1. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    Post on how I put the Almera cupholders in.
  2. benji_

    N16 Almera Cupholders Bodged into a K11

    I was recently looking for some March cupholders to put into me Micra but after being offered them for £50, I had other ideas, the one I followed through on was putting some Almera cupholders in. They only cost me £10 off eBay and don't actually look that bad. First take the lower centre...
  3. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    15-05-2019 The cup holders from a 2003 Nissan Almera arrived and are super janked in but ****it they work as intended lol, it was pretty simple to put in, some cutting on the back of the lower centre console and two screw holes at the bottom. Took me about 2 1/2 - 3 hours to do since I done it...
  4. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    12-05-2019 Bought some retractable cup holders out an Almera. Gonna Frankenstein them in to the cubbyhole below the ash tray and ciggy lighter, hopefully it’l fit. They should be here tomorrow (15-05-2019) or Thursday. The SR20 swap starts with cup holders!!! lol Sent from my iPhone using...
  5. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    dont worry i wouldnt straight blast anything lol. just wetten the lot and then clean with actual stuff meant for it
  6. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    i was meaning to do it for a while but just never got round to it, im glad i finally did tho so i dont vomit everytime i open the bonnet lol, will re do it at some point alot more vigorously
  7. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    thanks man, still some dirt in the hard to reach places but most of it has been cleaned, ought to superclean tm chrisfix it but aint got the bits for it all. ^i did all that with a sponge lol
  8. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    didnt realise i left this pic out, you can really tell how much better it all looks After - 12/05/2019
  9. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    11/05/2019 Started to clean the engine bay out since it was super dirty and I presume never cleaned in all 25 years, I had to stop half way through tho since it started to rain. Its not perfect, but waaay better than how it was before. Before and After pics: Before - 11/05/2019 After -...
  10. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    haha thanks man, just wish i could do what i want to it and not have to worry about cost lol
  11. benji_

    Wanted: Lower centre console with cup holders

    how much would you sell for? someone offered me one for £50 but tbh im thinking i might just get a retractable dual cupholder out of an almera and frankenstein it in. be alot cheaper for me that way
  12. benji_

    Wanted: Lower centre console with cup holders

    looking for one of these 1994 preface
  13. benji_

    How much paint required for rear bumper?

    yeah i know the code its aj4. i mean the kobra paint doesnt have a paint code Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. benji_

    How much paint required for rear bumper?

    just had a look its £4.25 for a 600ml can but ive no idea what the paint codes are, its literally called "big red"
  15. benji_

    How much paint required for rear bumper?

    yeah it is, i feel stupid now considering ive got a dr pepper next to me ? alright, ill keep looking for bigger cans
  16. benji_

    How much paint required for rear bumper?

    how many 150ml cans would you recommend for 2 layers of primer, 5 layers of paint and 3 layers of clearcoat?
  17. benji_

    How much paint required for rear bumper?

    How much paint (ml) on average is needed to paint a rear bumper? Thanks
  18. benji_

    benji_'s '94 Micra Tropic Build Log

    Guess its probably time to make the next over-a-month-since-I-posted-last post. 30/04/2019 Mate of mine from Scotland sent me a sticker. Its an RC car drift team hes apart of. 01/05/2019 Got some clear side indicator lenses off eBay and installed them, looks so much better. Had to use some of...
  19. benji_

    Side indicator cap replacement

    How do you remove the side indicator cap off a preface? I'm guessing you have to remove the fender, how many bolts are there? I can see the few ontop but don't know where the rest are. Thanks.
  20. benji_

    Wanted, Super S F&R Bumpers in Red or White

    preferably red, but white will do as can paint easier