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  1. H

    water temp guage

    No problem. It is very good, nice and clear display. You can choose which reading you want to see whenever you want. I just have speed as the main big display, temp and volts as the small ones.
  2. H

    water temp guage

    I use an OBD live data one that also shows speed, rpm, volts, as well as temp. Available from ebay, something like this will do. Don't get...
  3. H

    Help to get NON NATS ecu to run a NATS car please.

    Haven't stripped anything from the car at all, just swapped over the UK ecu with the JDM one, got dash lights when turn the key but no crank at all.
  4. H

    ecu wiring

    I know this is an old thread, but can anyone help with a later model? I have a CR14DE UK car with NATS, but want to use a JDM ecu without NATS.
  5. H

    Help to get NON NATS ecu to run a NATS car please.

    OK, so I bought a JDM BCM, and replaced that and the IMPUL ecu but only get lights on the dash, no crank at all. Maybe the transponder ring on the ignition barrel is trying to send a signal to the JDM BCM which is confusing it and won't do anything. I don't know, what next? Would it be possible...
  6. H

    Help to get NON NATS ecu to run a NATS car please.

    Have just realised that the parts being JDM, I should try replacing the UK parts of the NATS with JDM parts without NATS. So I need to find a bcm and ignition barrel with key/s from a JDM car because they don't have NATS, so fingers crossed my theory is correct. Would I need to change the...
  7. H

    Help to get NON NATS ecu to run a NATS car please.

    Oh,ok. That simple? What about the bcm? Or is the bcm not affected/universal? I mean, is it the ecu that has the immobiliser inside and not the bcm? Do I need an original key that came with the jap ecu in order to sync a new key?
  8. H

    Help to get NON NATS ecu to run a NATS car please.

    Hey all, so I got a bit of a problem that I hope someone on here can solve, fix. I have had an IMPUL supercharger kit fitted to my car by a local garage. The kit comprises of the compressor, belt, pulley, intake manifold mounting, and a replacement ecu that has the fueling map and charger...
  9. H

    Is there a short shifter for K12?

    As the title, is there a short shifter available off the shelf for the K12's?
  10. H

    Ama noobster also

    Hey all, my name is Charley, and I am in Hayes, Middlesex,UK. I am soon to be looking at a 2004 Micra 1.5 DCi SE manual, 5 door this weekend possibly. Now, this being a diesel, are there any particular things to look for? The car should be cold when I go to check it out. It has full service...
  11. H

    Dci tuning

    Man, that sucks. SO even if I get the 82 ecu, then it wouldn't plug in cos the socket/plug is different? Looks like a chip/ecu re-map then.
  12. H

    Engine Management Light on after service!

    I think the EGR valve was 65 quid, I think. The garage stuck it in FOC, but I had to get to the Nissan dealer to sync up the EGR to the ecu. That cost 25 quid. Only took about 10 mins.
  13. H

    Dci tuning

    Hey guys, I have a 1.5 Dci 65 bhp. Whats the difference in parts of the 65 and the 82? Is it just the ecu? If so, I can just get hold of an 82 Dci ecu and plug in can't I? Or do I need to sync the keys with the new ecu? I've just looked at some Dci tuning sites, and they have listed Renault Dci...
  14. H

    Stereo problem

    You want to remove the head unit right? Ok, here goes. You see the plastic cover that sits on top of the dashboard, behind the windscreen, this needs to be removed first. If I can re-call, there are 10mm bolts/screws either end. Can't remember if any in the middle, but that cover lifts out tho...
  15. H

    Engine Management Light on after service!

    Hi mate, my car had this light come on October last year. Was after a service at a garage tho. Took it back the next day, and the guy didn't have the code reader for the car, so had to call in an outsider. Code said the EGR valve was faulty, so had to get that replaced, but light was still on...