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  1. Craig

    No headlights - stalk contacts?

    Each headlight is separately fused and wired, most likely it is the dim/sip selector of the stalk as the full beams will flash provided that the key has been turned in the ignition. I would say you need a new switch. Craig
  2. Craig

    Upgrading from 1.0 ltr to 1.4 ltr best practice

    Good stuff - depending on the year of the Rally car and what ECU you use (standard 1.4, piggyback, standalone etc) you may run into some issues with NATS. Any pictures of the car? Ta,
  3. Craig

    Upgrading from 1.0 ltr to 1.4 ltr best practice

    I would have thought that you would need the 1.4 ECU/a full standalone if you were swapping the whole lot. Also, IIRC, the 1.4 cams do not have the notch to connect to the distributor (exhaust cam only???) but it was a few years ago I ripped one of these engines down. Ta,
  4. Craig

    Car won't start/turn over

    A bit of mechanical persuasion eh? I'm up for that - where do I hit and in what direction? I presume that I need to spank it with all my might? Ta
  5. Craig

    Car won't start/turn over

    How do I quote thee days??? Sorry, didn't se your post Ed, the only otr things which do not work as they should are the interior light door switch and e rear wiper (which clicks but does not wipe). although if you mean when I crnk it then I do not knw, I suspect nohing, but I will chck and let...
  6. Craig

    Fitting 100NX brakes to K11

    You will need a small shim (1 or 2mm IIRC) to move the caliper out, other than thet, they are straight swap. You may get some slight rubbing on the outside edge of the disk, but I never had that problem. I have a set of (March ST) calipers and the 100NX disks that I need rid of if you're...
  7. Craig

    Car won't start/turn over

    Alright Frank? Over gearbox type, I had a tug at the connections and they seemed fine, is there anywhere obvious that it's likely to have gotten loosed? Ta
  8. Craig

    Roll cage

    Highly unlikely without messing about with bits of it TBH
  9. Craig

    Car won't start/turn over

    2000 1l manual Alright chaps, any of the old skool still about? After football the other week, turned the key in the ignition to go home, nothing. Tried to jump it, same problem so it must be something to do with the starter. It seems to catch for one second, but then the electric power cuts...
  10. Craig

    Question: Which Micra for Rallying/F1000/Road

    Don't get too seduced by the pre 1995 ones unless it is a 1.3 as you will not be able to put rear swaybars on without a bit of a faff, your best bet is to find a 1.3 with a dead engine, drop a nice cheap 1l engine box and hubs in and you're away Ta
  11. Craig

    Micra K11 Alloy Slam Panels

    No worries - have you thought about doing the lower bit in ally as well, would be lighter and not rusty? Ta,
  12. Craig

    Micra K11 Alloy Slam Panels

    Nice, what thickness is the ally - is it nice and rigid? Ta
  13. Craig

    sr20de ecu on cg?

    Pins will be different - why would you want to put a 2l ECU on a 1.3 engine or have I missed something :suspect: Ta,
  14. Craig

    **EPIC** for sale thread

    Hi - can you let me know where to send the money to? Thanks,
  15. Craig

    **EPIC** for sale thread

    Sounds good - £25 posted with the grille? PM me your bank details and I'll transfer the money? Thanks,
  16. Craig

    **EPIC** for sale thread

    Hi - I'm after the driver's wing, is it in good condition - nice and shiny? Ta,
  17. Craig

    To break or not to break-rally car

    I don;t think that you're too far off in those prices - be prepared to barter, though! You might struggle to sell the shell here, but eBay or a motorsports classified might help you shift it. Any pics of your sump guard? ta,
  18. Craig

    Quick help

    Yep - 1.3 only as they have a bit of support at the top of the deck - not fully closed deck, but should be stronger. I might have a pic at home if there is much interest? Ta,
  19. Craig

    joesouthgate's Red Micra SR

    You meen the aerofit ones? My set are junk, the lock seems to have become seized inside so I sheared the key, also the hinge which slides the bolt across never worked properly and has to be bodged with an additional lever... Look good though :laugh:
  20. Craig

    the crap in my shed

    Who would do something like that eh? You still able to sell this stuff, or is it awaiting your next trip to the UK? I'll take the mouds, a grill and possibly those arches off your hands? Ta,