Search results

  1. Craig

    Lightweight 12v Racing Battery - done dirt cheap

    Haha, "that's not a battery in my pocket, I'm just pleased to see you boss"... Yeah, I was looking at the gel one but the specs are contradictory, thetable says 270CCA with the actual unit itself which says it only has 60 or so CCA so might have to go for the liquid one you got there as I...
  2. Craig

    Lightweight 12v Racing Battery - done dirt cheap

    Keep us updated on this one - there are a table full of batterys like this at work that I have been eyeing up... How big are the terminals?
  3. Craig

    fuel pump fuse

    Fusebox is by the bonnet release nahdle in the driver's footwell - bit of a silly question, how are you servicing the fuse? Cheers
  4. Craig

    F/S: CG10 LightWeight Flywheel / 20k Early Gearbox / Drive Shafts

    Sounds good to me mate - £70 for the box shafts and mounts? I can probably come pick them up next weekend from Fusion if that suits (need to check I can get on the RR first though). Ta
  5. Craig

    something wrong with my k11

    Not sure if the ECU coding is the same, but on the earlier models if you floor the accelarator when cranking it cuts out the fuel so might help to clear it? Failing that take one of the spark plugs out and see if it smells petroley.
  6. Craig

    something wrong with my k11

    Does it crank over? Simple solution could just be that it flooded - when you jump started it did you run it for a long/short period of time?
  7. Craig

    F/S: CG10 LightWeight Flywheel / 20k Early Gearbox / Drive Shafts

    Well I'd probably take the (provided it is the smaller pre-face 1l gearbox) but I'm thinking more the £50-£60 range - I can collect from Fusion if that sweetens the deal? Ta
  8. Craig

    F/S: breaking sr micra

    Hi there - how would you like to get paid? Ta
  9. Craig

    fog light wirng

    You not got a Haynes? What do you want to know?
  10. Craig

    Get Dyno'd 998cc with mods

    That is good going - I had 73 from a 1l but with standard tb and 4-2-1 exhaust, anything else planned?
  11. Craig

    F/S: breaking sr micra

    Yes and no - depends how much of the interior there is al everything pretty much unplugs like a charm; I think that there is one connector separating the interior+engine loom to make removal easy, last time I did one was a 20-minute job in the scrappy. So interior loom+engineloom+lighting loom...
  12. Craig

    I have a new job!

    Wowsies - good job! Any chance you can sneak off with one of those engines, I'm sure you can find a good home for it...
  13. Craig

    F/S: breaking sr micra

    how much for both wings and the full witing loom posted? Ta
  14. Craig

    F/S: CG10 LightWeight Flywheel / 20k Early Gearbox / Drive Shafts

    I'm interested in the lot - how flexible are you on price? Ta
  15. Craig

    Idle adjustment

    1.3 cams is a very nice little mod IMO
  16. Craig

    Brake upgrade!

    Whoa, thread from the dead!
  17. Craig

    F/S: CG10 LightWeight Flywheel / 20k Early Gearbox / Drive Shafts

    You still got these? Inbox me. Ta
  18. Craig

    Car won't start/turn over

    Diagnosis - solenoid worked, motor didn't, now trying to source a starter from fleabay, seems that mine has an odd part number which is a right pain!
  19. Craig

    Wiper Intermittant Delay Function =======================

    This is controlled by the wiper relay, with additional wiring from the switch to the relay then to the motor; did your car originally have intermittent wipers?
  20. Craig

    Car won't start/turn over

    By way of an update, I played with this at the weekend, connections seem fine. I tried turning over again - the headlights remained on, accessories turned off when attmpting to crank. By sticking my head in the engine bay, I could hear a distinct knock(I presume the solenoid actuating) when...