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  1. superls

    Are Micra bodies un-suited for speeds over 125 mph ?

    surely all the stress is incurred whilst setting off, launching or cornering, once the car is 'cruising' at say 125 then not much should happen at all
  2. superls

    Driveshaft Separation

    they usually just come off mate, secure the driveshaft and a swift blow with the hammer gets the joint off in my experience
  3. superls

    what did you do to your micra today ?

    looks like a manufacturing defect to me
  4. superls

    Dattosan Machi Suzuki twincam 4wd project pg22

    Sorry to hear mate, but i can see where your coming from, luckily enough tho im out for another project so pm me a price you have in mind, not fussed about the tub bits tho
  5. superls

    dodgy clutch???

    sticky or kinked clutch cable, seizing release bearing and knackered rear engine mount
  6. superls

    Clutch Gone!!

    you can get a genuine LUK clutch (which is what nissan fit from factory) for under £40 from buy parts by
  7. superls

    Clutch Gone!!

    i can change a cg13 micra clutch and flywheel in under 3 hours, and the flywheel is about 45 mins of that, so to me 260 labour is expensive, but knowledge and experience is power, and power=money, so if you cant do it yourself then you need to pay, I think autodata gives 4-5 hours for the job...
  8. superls

    Realistic figures

    about £500 erm sorry what figures we talking ??? lol
  9. superls

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    someone on here had Ed (i think) fit an almera red, needed a custom bonnet support thing, but iirc you have bonnet pins dont you? it was a almera rad, 1 pipe was the same and 1 needed to be longer, and a custom mount, nothing you cant handle im sure :) he was selling it a while ago not sure it...
  10. superls

    Micra cruise control

    what you need it the setup off an older 5 series BMW (maybe others) we retro fitted one on my dads 5 series years back, its a fully indapendant system, that is in a seperate loom and everything, just picks power up and the brake and clutch switch and the speed sensor, its a cable driven throttle...
  11. superls

    few k11 things for sale

    its gone mate, sorry
  12. superls

    Tomei Poncams for CG**, thoughts?

    the error of the driver will make the car look bad, and not big it up to be something its not like an in accurate dyno would
  13. superls

    Nissan Micra K10 GA16DE Polish Project

    looking good well done, now get it dyno'd and tell us the power what have you done to the suspension up front to take the extra weight?
  14. superls

    Pao with CG13 and Manual [Link]

    that would be screaming for your supercharger setup mate lol
  15. superls

    why do i have screws holding my rocker cover on?

    dam frank beat me to the to stop it coming off lol, but in all seriousness its a crap idea, the 2 engines i stripped down they all came out with the correct fitting bit in a ratchet apart from 1 which i got with mole grips, i then replaced them with cap heas screws incase i ever had to take...
  16. superls

    how much to get key reprogame

    it cost me £30 at a local garage, but not many people could do it, or wanted to attempt to do it.
  17. superls

    can you use transponder reader from a other micra

    i broke mine almost exactly a year ago, you can use one from another micra but it will have to be reprogrammed if you have tried to start the car and immobalised it as i did.
  18. superls

    15" compomotive MO5

    hi mate, whats the centre bore, whats the width and offset, do any have tyres? also where you at?
  19. superls

    FAO Mr Bognor

    was thinking exactly that, either the cooler must unclip off the bumper or its reverse hinged like the k10
  20. superls

    K11 Limited editions? How many?

    surely the limited edition ones would have been the tommy kaira one and the IMPUl one, all the above are standard trim levels of various years