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  1. superls

    Inlet manifold injector rubbers

    i would have thought they were only a few quid even from nissan
  2. superls

    How much nissan employees pay for a micra & other models

    funny how they dont save money on everything though
  3. superls

    Over fueling

    how do you know its over fueling?
  4. superls

    Dash removal

    ive done it a couple of times was easy enough, removing steering wheel will help, 1 man job
  5. superls

    Porks bike carbs and boost project

    why not move the turbo further towards the gearbox, iirc the turbo flange on the k11 HKS log manifold is inbetween cylinders 3 and 4 to avoid the problem your having
  6. superls

    Refussing to start... What is up with it now?

    is there any dash lights on/flashing?
  7. superls

    Porks bike carbs and boost project

    oh it definately will, you cant fault find and sort things out without first knowing whats going on
  8. superls

    Porks bike carbs and boost project

    thats not bad, i paid over £200 for mine 18 months ago maybe a bit more, still unised and unopened in the box lol, but im keeping it no way im standing to loose £70-80 on it haha
  9. superls

    Cut n shut knuckles

    so like i said, major camber lol all be it positive haha i dont think the wheel would get anywhere near the floor with the bottom bolt in and tight tho
  10. superls

    Porks bike carbs and boost project

    just out of interest mate, how much did you pay for the LC-1?
  11. superls

    Cut n shut knuckles

    i cant see much problem in it tbh, if its done right, whats the worst that can happen (seriously) majour camber, i had 8 mm bolts in the 12mm hole on that top mount for months, hadr driving and even hit a curb and didnt even shift so the top hole isnt load bearing and under immense pressure
  12. superls

    Found a box under passenger seat?

    as above, it picks up the engine idel whan an electrical device is switched on, such as, rear window heater, heater blower, headlights
  13. superls

    MA10 vacuum pipe help please.

    i cant 100% remember the plumbing unfortunately, but iirc the pipes originate from the back of the inlet manifold
  14. superls

    Help and advice is need on "How to improve MPG"

    i used to get low 40's in my 1.3 SR, ive not seen anyone mention it yet and its one of the biggest things to reduce fule use AVOID HEAVY BREAKING, slow down greadually and use the gears, dont get 50 yards from the junction and stick it on its nose then accelerate hard again
  15. superls

    Porks bike carbs and boost project

    try driving it with no boost at all, ie wg open, see if the fault is the carbs or boost
  16. superls

    Porks bike carbs and boost project

    before driving it again get hold of some measuring gear to look at the afr, i recommend one of thiose innovate wideband kits, look on ebay. and then you can see whats happening with the mixture and help diagnose whats going wrong. then good luck with jetting haha, if you had stopped simple and...
  17. superls

    Car won't start/turn over

    measure voltage on starter should be full battery voltage when cranking, if it is then chect the voltage at the solenoid when cranking, if that is bat volts then problem is starter
  18. superls

    Car won't start/turn over

    id take motor off and test it on the bench to rule it in or out
  19. superls

    Porks bike carbs and boost project

    you need to restrict the puipe to the dial to stop it doin that, i just pinched the pipe on mine to stop it,
  20. superls

    What Exhaust will fit straight on to a micra k11?

    you can get a brand new stock system for £100, most motorfactors will stock, (not including cat obviously) its hard to tell exactly what your after seeing you just say you want an exhaust!!!!