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    speed dial lights

    Does anyone know how and where i i get lights that shine up your speed dials coz im sick of boring white.
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    k11 pictures

    not bad m8 better than mine but can be beaten
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    Under seat/footwell LED's

    i bought 2 neon sticks with a red and black wire and a switch on them. ive had them for a bit ut i ont know wot to o with them because wot i got told was to hook them up with the 12v cig lighter but i dont have a cig lighter or owt so dont know were i can conect it up to ayone have any ideas
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    k11 pictures

    everything just wanna see the best looking one
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    k11 pictures

    everyone throw there pictures of there k11 i here
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    Photo's of Members K11's

    Use this thread to upload images of your K11 to the forum. Official members can upload direct from your hardrive. Registered Members will need to host off the site from a website or an upload manager Non image posts will be removed, use K11 general to discuss any images. Kev :)
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    wots happened to the NW meet

    is the north west meet still on thats in ashton
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    just attempting to wire up my new super s rev counter...

    were bouts in oldham do u live
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    K11 First car

    im not really tht arsed bout performancejust want it to look good really
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    K11 First car

    how do you de-sticker it n all tht
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    K11 First car

    paid 850 for it its a 1 litre equation its called R reg, with it bein my first car n everything i avent got a clue about moddin cars or anything. can you's post sum pics of ur cars to give me sum ideas
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    Glamour Model Shoot on My Micra

    your lucky to have her as a friend
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    Pics of sexyjonas mota'

    like the car did you just quickly spray paint over the black plastic on the bodywork and the mirrors
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    cigerette lighter

    where can you buy the 12v supply with cig lighter my car doesnt have one
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    K11 First car

    ive just bought a k11 r reg for my first car its had nothing one to it so i want to make it look better had anyone got any ideas that i could do to it.
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    What we doing at the NW meet?

    north west meet ive just bought a micra k11 and im new to all this ut i only live round the corner from ashton so im thinkin of giving it a go but the car has had nothing done to it so it looks pretty ####