the heater in my micra is just crap it takes about 10 minutes to go warm and even then it doesnt blow out warm air it just lets it out sort of n you cant even feel it, is this normal for a micra or is there something wrong
who agrees. i got pulled over tonight for wreckless driving when i know i wasnt it ####ed me off so much they werent in police cars they were jus in normal ones n they said theyd been looking for me all night when id been out 10minutes
i bought some fast and furious seat covers from argos the other week n theyve made a big difference they make th interior look a lot better thats if you cant be arsed buyin seats anyway. i advise ppl to get them.
i pulled of 1 of the strips off the side of my car yesterday and all the glues still on n it will not come off, ive tried hot soapy water and a hair dryer n all thw glues still there anyone have any ideas