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  1. F

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    Oh I like that idea! Mind if I steal it some time? Yeah for a simple item they are pretty dear, the video was an interview with mountune developing race engines so in comparison it was cheap, (they made it seem like baffle sump design was a more difficult thing to get right?) I like the pre...
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    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    Paul, I recently watched a YouTube that talked about ensuring good oil supply on track and high performance engines, it mentioned AccuSump as a cheaper and easier method than either a dry sump or baffles etc, just wondering if you'd seen them? It works similar to a air cell on top of a house...
  3. F

    The £80 Micra

    Yes the gsxr 600 tbs are only feeding 600cc but they rev higher than your likely to take the micra (peak power @ 12000rpm and redline is probably a few 1000 above that) so the bike at something like redline is supplying half the capacity at twice the rpm so might not be too far off.
  4. F

    Decat Causing Issue? Overfueling?

    Without tuning it still thinks it's got standard injectors so it's still putting in the same injection pulse width, yes you might need more fuel up high but at idle isn't going to change. The ECU is probably finding it hard to correct fuel trims enough if it is able to get worthwhile readings...
  5. F

    K11 driveshafts and LSD

    If you want an ATB style diff unless you can find a suretrac which will be 2nd hand your best option is to fit the rs5f31a gearbox, from a ga equipped pulsar / sunny / Almera and a quaife diff for this box, it's a bigger gearbox so not necessarily easy and you'll need custom driveshafts. The...
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    Where to buy standard pistons?

    Matt does standard pistons either 1.0 or 1.3, cga or cg.
  7. F

    Next Steps Please!?

    Put a cg13de in a mini, they fit really well and standard equate in performance (butt dyno verified) about the same as a 1310 A series, the cg13de loses a bit of weight to the A series so power to weight can improve again. Cheapest and easiest way to get a twin cam, 16v, 5 bearing crank, 5 speed...
  8. F

    Not the typical throttle body hassles

    Maybe check the throttle cable is tight but not pulling the butterfly open at idle?
  9. F

    Not the typical throttle body hassles

    It's a cable throttle linkage so how sensitive the throttle is can't be changed, you might check the cable moves smoothly and is adjusted correctly. There's a throttle position sensor on the other side that might be out of calibration or if it's a cvt theres another cable that runs to sensors...
  10. F

    Oil extractors has anyone used one on a K11, any good?

    Pull a driveshaft any remaining you might be able to get out with a pump, or you could tilt the car to the right (lilting to the left would put it into the gearbox end away from the driveshaft) and pull the RHS driveshaft.
  11. F

    Stiff gear changes - hard to change gear

    It's unlikely I'd say there's anything whole with them, you could put a little bit of grease in there and just check there's not too much play or excess movement in them. I think the greatest friction comes from the ball and socket joint but to do the job effectively I'd be pulling it out and...
  12. F

    Stiff gear changes - hard to change gear

    Yeah I reckon, very low demand for a grease in my opinion you could just about use any sort of grease.
  13. F

    Stiff gear changes - hard to change gear

    As said above you don't need to take out the exhaust it's not the easiest to get the shifter out but not too bad, that way you can inspect the pivots clean it properly and get it nice.
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    Stiff gear changes - hard to change gear

    This youtube by another member on here might give you an idea, just beware it's installing a short shifter so things will look a bit different.
  15. F

    Stiff gear changes - hard to change gear

    Yes, it's up under the exhaust, there's a tin exhaust shield you can remove from around the 2nd catalytic converter, you don't need to take that section of the exhaust off then you can get to the bolts from underneath. Easier if you can get it up on stands or even just one side on a gutter.
  16. F

    Stiff gear changes - hard to change gear

    There's a couple of things you could check out: Firstly check out the gear linkage underneath the gearstick as I believe this can wear or just need a good clean and a light grease in areas. The other option I can think of off the top of my head is that your clutch cable might be out of...
  17. F

    Oil Pump O-Rings

    looks like #1 item here (Part # 1506660U00 ): (Brilliant resource BTW well worth bookmarking) I think I got these O rings as part of the timing chain kit for my engine but I can't remember.
  18. F

    Lightened Flywheel for Coilpacks

    If I remember correctly the trigger wheel on the CGA flywheel means you can't safely lighten it, I haven't looked myself as we never got the CGA. That indicates you might need to look at an aftermarket if they exist. Others will know more.
  19. F

    K11 space frame help

    I saw a micra dirt track car on way back waiting for the ferry to Ireland, I went over to chat and he explained there really wasn't any micra to it, I think they were using vauxhall xe? Engines and spaceframe and fibreglass shell. It might give you a lead to follow.
  20. F

    K11 CG Cylinder Head Flow

    I suspected as much... That said it's enough above the 100hp that it's not behaving the way I expected, or rather I wasn't taking into account the complications. You're spec is close to the engine I'm building for Spot my mini so 125hp in a 630kg car should be lively, I'm worried about traction...