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  1. F

    Does anyone know a K11 Micra Guru

    Does it occur on the same leads every time? If so it could be the leads themselves, the spark plugs or maybe contacts in the dissy cap? If it changes then as you say probably distributor and coil related, if you could find someone on here nearby with a spare you could quickly swap it over see if...
  2. F

    The £80 Micra

    It's probably still stored in there somewhere to aid diagnosis, think an intermittent fault where it might be difficult to reproduce at the mechanics.
  3. F

    Quick suspension question

    Yes there is a downside, lowering your front suspension also lowers your front roll centre, generally further than the centre of gravity, increasing the distance between them. If you imagine the roll centre as the pivot point and the centre of gravity as the end of a lever increasing the...
  4. F

    Maximum HP/Torque admissible by stock K11 1.3 16v gearbox

    Having done a conversion I think the complications involved with adapting the micra gearbox to your chosen engine will be more than those of custom or welded cut and shut driveshafts. By keeping the engine and gearbox you keep a gearbox with gears matched to the engine and you aren't introducing...
  5. F

    About Gearbox Spring

    Yeah I'd say so, most do as you've done bend the spring where it snapped and re attach it, it's not real sensitive to spring length or tension imo.
  6. F

    The £80 Micra

    I think nistune and obd readers can tell you duty cycle from within the software, I'd be surprised if others can't maybe they can't graph it but... or perhaps because the answer is dependent on your tuning software, i don't know thou are going to need a graph just they keep an eye on afr and...
  7. F

    The £80 Micra

    Not sure on your ECU but I expect it's similar but the tuner will be able to look at the duty cycle and see if it's too high, if you need to change it should be a matter of changing the injector size in the ECU a vs them fine tuning, it shouldn't need wholesale changes in my opinion.
  8. F

    How to remove top hat from front struts?

    Cracking that top nut a bit whilst the spring still has tension on it can help, just don't undo it too far or you'll send the hat flying through your head.
  9. F

    How to remove top hat from front struts?

    I've not done micra ones, but usually they have a notch or flat on the top of the strut where it goes into the hat that stops it turning as you undo the nut. Sometimes the flat turns in the hat which means you need to grab the shaft of the shock but this damages the chrome on the shaft which is...
  10. F

    Door projector light

    It's says in the eBay link, it's activated by a magnet you stick to the bottom of your doorway / the sill covers.
  11. F

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    It's a pretty simple mod, I'd guess it took not much longer than if you went out and bought a new jack, you have to think of doing it first though. I think Paul might have a higher 'I can fix it threshold' than most before giving up and opening thier wallet. The world would likely be a better...
  12. F

    Quaife Diff may be available for micra gearbox soon...

    I'm thinking of sharing the results once I'm done and it's working of that helps, the diff I currently have is a great candidate but seems to be a limited production run and isn't mentioned much by quaife so may not be made anymore.
  13. F

    Quaife Diff may be available for micra gearbox soon...

    We tried to get the numbers but fell short I'm afraid. I haven't given up though and I think it's possible to modify existing diffs to fit, obviously this voids warranties and such and is probably more effort than most want to go to. There's also a pulsar / Almera / sunny box that fits the micra...
  14. F

    Cone Filter Comparisons

    Same thing but raise the back of the bonnet an inch or 2?
  15. F

    Cone Filter Comparisons

    What about a scoop on the top of the bonnet to draw cold air into an air filter behind the engine? You could create a box under the bonnet (and sealing to the underside of the bonnet) around the filter to keep hot engine bay air out and it would retain the short intake path of the itbs.
  16. F

    GA15DE into K11....

    There's plenty of GA16DE in Australia, it might be worth getting one over? Not sure what it costs.
  17. F

    Hi From NZ....and got a couple of issues....

    If the filter has been over oiled it might be drawing oil out of the filter and contaminating the hotwire MAF sensor.
  18. F

    Oh Dear....ground to a halt!

    I'd suggest having a look at the voltage regulator and brushes on your alternator and replacing them if worn, in my experience most alternator problems come down to this replaceable unit.
  19. F

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    I was thinking of using some stuffed Landcruiser shocks we have at home somewhere, given the cylinder is possibly only about 1/2 full it would need to be a decent sized shock, I agree worth your comment the duty required of a shock is far beyond that of an accumulator.
  20. F

    Cone Filter Comparisons

    Or itbs stuck at the back of an engine bay, I guess just like with the itbs they are hoping that the lack of restriction makes up for the fact they are drawing in hot air. The problem with then designing an airbox and cold air intake for your itbs is you are reducing the "straight shot" into the...