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  1. F

    Loss of power and struggling up hill

    It looks to be trying to pull out fuel, I don't know how o2 sensors fail, but out might also be a faulty fuel injector or possibly fuel pressure regulator?
  2. F

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    You need to convince them to put a CG13 in there, imagine your micra with 200kg less weight.
  3. F

    GA16DE + RS5F31A LSD conversion (P11)

    I've sent you some photos on Facebook messenger as well as a link to the dimensions, probably best to compare to your diff and go from there. Nissans seem to get called all sorts of different things around the world so it gets confusing. Yes I tried fitting it to the Micra, all the bearings and...
  4. F

    GA16DE + RS5F31A LSD conversion (P11)

    Pretty sure the diff I have from Quaife (unfortunately I wasn't able to adapt it to the Micra box economically) fits the rs5f31a box, it's supposed to be for a Sunny using the ga16de. Quaife recommend using the same gear oil as previously as they're a ATB diff and don't rely on friction, they...
  5. F

    cg13 engine question

    I'm wondering if it uses something like the idle air control valve, it's on the side of the throttle body. If you give us some photos of the engine underneath the air box we might be able to see how much we recognise...
  6. F

    All dash lights come on when coming down steep hill

    This would need a clutch switch and probably a neutral switch, for the ECU to know when to bring in the idle system. My cg13 dizzy engine doesn't have a clutch switch, so I doubt it turns the fuel off completely. I'd be suspecting loose or abraided wiring creating dodgy connections or a short.
  7. F

    What parts can i find in Scrapyards for more performance?

    There's probably quite a few things you can or could do but they depend on what you're trying to do with your car and what your skills are and probably how much time and or effort you want to use. For example Frank has done a great many ghetto home built mods from scrap yard parts but he also...
  8. F

    Preface ECU upgrade

    Yeah, I think that's it. Only one available for a cg13de that I could see.
  9. F

    Preface ECU upgrade

    Nistune do pre facelift micras, I'm running nistune and all Australia got was the pre facelift.
  10. F

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    The one I use for my mini is a morris 1100 exhaust mount I put this particular one in because it was the same width but a larger diameter than a mini exhaust mount which broke earlier. I expect it is firmer than the micra part but I...
  11. F

    Ryan's Micra Blog

    It's supposed to be erratic, that's the ECU closed looping, because of the way a narrow band o2 sensor works the ecu bounces either side of stoikiometric this also allows the catalytic converter to clean up nox and hc emissions alternatively.
  12. F

    Help? K11 Turbo issue

    There was a puff of smoke come out from underneath the turbo in that video, could that have anything to do with it? Not that I know much about turbo builds.
  13. F

    SOLVED Stiff Gear Stick - not the spring issue.

    Sometimes just pulling apart cleaning and lubricating it before assembling it is all that's required, until you pull it apart you won't know what part you need if any.
  14. F

    Driveshaft oil seals

    The driveshaft seals are common to heaps of nissans so I find it strange that no one has them.
  15. F

    SOLVED Stiff Gear Stick - not the spring issue.

    Number 9 in the link below perhaps? 341224F100
  16. F


    I've done it on a dizzy cg13 but not a coil pack as I think the k11e is, the wire your searching for may not be behind the cluster. The tachometer signal wire for the Nissan taco didn't work my tachometer it needed the return from the coil, but I imagine this will be different for the couple...
  17. F

    Ryan's Micra Blog

    I hate to say it but I think you've got your catch can plumbed to the wrong places, the hose going from the cam cover to the inlet tract after the air filter is to let (clean filtered) air into the top of the engine not remove it from the engine. The one you want is from the pcv valve on the...
  18. F

    Almera MAF vs Micra MAF on ITB's

    Well I've got a GA15 throttle body on mine, we looked but couldn't find much to configure it in nistune, after some comparison we worked out it looks identical to the hotwire sensor in the cg13 throttle body, then used the cg13 config for the dyno tune, emissions test and the last 2 or 3 years...
  19. F

    Almera MAF vs Micra MAF on ITB's

    What engine was the Almera MAF from?
  20. F

    Panhard rod

    You could probably measure it yourself; Note you are removing the panhard bar to do this I doubt this is likely to cause problems just sitting there but observe and be cautious. Jack up your car on a level flat surface. Remove your panhard rod Lower your car back down on its wheels, be gentle...