Search results

  1. M

    Lower RPM after replacing distributor

    Quote; “After my original distributor failed on my '97 1L micra I replaced it with a new one, now the car runs great but only revs up to 5k rpm”. What appears to have changed prior to the onset of a misfire when hot, is only the distributer, as per your statements. Therefore it is logical to...
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    Lower RPM after replacing distributor

    Distributer mechanically controls ignition timing pro-rata variation as per RPM variation on a 1997 early Micra & its position is widely adjustable. Most back street mechanics workshops would have access to a strobe timing lamp & employees who still know how to use it as a basic simple test...
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    Different steering racks/upgrades

    Quote: “There must be a work to do, but does anyone see the purpose of doing that”? Perhaps doing unnecessary work the purpose is to look busy, & in the case of garage mechanic’s to fit unnecessary new parts & labour to increase garage bills earn commission & maximise profits. The jobs a good...
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    Lower RPM after replacing distributor

    Reset/check ignition timing with strobe timing light as per Haynes manual recommendation. Good luck. :)
  5. M

    Advice needed

    Try releasing the fuel cap & test driving, as its tiny ventilation hole maybe blocked causing a fuel tank vacuum restricting fuel flow supply? Good luck. ;)
  6. M

    How to remove roof trims k11

    The K11 roof trims hide the roof & side body panel joints & are retained by locating lugs, one each, at the front & also at the rear extreme ends. Removal is easily achievable with the use of two out of date credit/bank cards etc to prise the trims out in the middle of said trims. Once the...
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    Advice needed

    May I refer you to my previous post on how to achieve the best cash price for any old car by comparing prices to equivalent vehicles as Gumtree advertised in your area? Good luck ;) Advice on HOW TO SELL here! | Micra Sports Club
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    K11 5 Door

    Quote: “ Recently bought a k11 5 door and I'm very excited about it as it is my first car” The 5 door is the most useful & adaptable version. As you state that it is your first vehicle then perhaps it may be more proactive & productive to use it for what it was designed built for. That is to...
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    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    Tubeless tyre puncture repair kit with plugs & insertion tools for £10 enabled me to repair all my 3 tyre punctures in the last decade. POWERMAG HEAVY DUTY MOTORCYCLE CAR VAN TUBELESS TYRE PUNCTURE REPAIR KITS TIRE TOOLS EMERGENCY : Automotive Simple & quick with no need to...
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    ULEZ again

    ULEZ Fill Your Boots Scrappage Grant £2000 For All, Just Announced Today £2000 to scrap your old ULEZ non-compliant banger to get a newer vehicle! Yes please , I will have some of that. :) Quote: “Eligibility for a scrappage scheme has been extended to more people ahead of the expansion...
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    Blxxdy hell

    Mine is a 1998 1300 cc lightweight basic micra, now on 66K, & it is plenty quick enough for me to keep up with the traffic & enjoy cutting up freaking out shocking those cheeky enough to try & overtake me in traffic queues. Happy Days. :cool:
  12. M

    Changing cv boot with parkside impact driver

    Why aye, man! Short cut way to go. I will try it if I ever get lumbered with CV boot renewal again. I had to lump hammer hit my cv hard repeatedly to get it to separate from the drive shaft & much dismantling to create space required to swing my hammer with much cussing & bruised hands. Not...
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    Changing cv boot with parkside impact driver

    Sounds & looks easy in one sentence without indication of the bear traps & pitfalls for the average home DIY repairer. To release the drive shaft from the spider hub, from memory a 28mm or 30mm socket is reqd. My local garages would do a CV boot renewal for £120 including VAT, & next time I...
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    Changing cv boot with parkside impact driver

    Not a job for a novice & a hard challenge for a determined competent DIY repairer at home without access to a lift ramp that I learned when doing two CV boots on my 25 year old K11. Gadgets are of little useful impact, just a set of combination spanners, full socket set up to 22mm together with...
  15. M

    K11 wet passenger and drivers floor.

    Inspect the plasticised rubber windscreen seal all around & reseal as required. The plastic trim underneath the wipers/below the windscreen (outside) has windscreen positioning support clips that hold it down sometimes when the clips/pins break they stop sealing properly and water gets in and...
  16. M

    ULEZ again

    The following thread more or less sums up the ULEZ compliance questions & issues with old micra vehicles & the possible methods of getting them upgraded approved TFL ULEZ compliant. London Ultra Low Emissions Zone ULEZ | Page 2 | Micra Sports Club It’s a good read pages 1 & 2 together with the...
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    K11 Replacement?

    K11Replacement? Recently was considering what comes next after my 25 year old K11 as a simple cheap as chips reliable runabout & had a look at the Fiesta UK owners club for inspiration? Login Required | Fiesta Club of Great Britain ( Found Fiesta Club a lot less inviting than...
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    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    May K11 owners & KSG”s live long & prosper doing our own thing. As reasonably competent DIY motorist & repairer I only do what I consider to be the right work, that is the absolute minimum to keep my 25 year old K11 running & passing MOTs @ minimal overall costs. I have learned a great deal...
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    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    Incredible persistence attention to detail. You say “it aint a show car”? Well I can see from skimming through your blog that it appears to be your life’s work? How many man hours have you put into KSG over the last ten years logged in your maintenance work log sheet records? :confused:
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    Advice on HOW TO SELL here!

    I have sold all mine & my families old bangers, (eight), for cash in my local area during the last (15) years on Gumtree Cars Free Adds. Write a good upbeat sales positive add with all the good bits & six good positive photos & every time the jobs a goodun , sold & gone in days with no snags...