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  1. nesty

    Prefacelift 1.3 CVT mpg average?

    Hi all On my daily runner, I'm trying to ascertain if it's running rich. I only use it for work commuting, so it be a mixed urban cycle mainly dual carriageways with a bit of urban daily round trip of 30 miles each day. What would be the average mpg a 1.3 CVT with PAS. On my last K11, I could...
  2. nesty

    Where to buy cheap Micra k11s

    In 2021 found both of my pre facelifts CVT's on Autotrader and ebay both had approx 40-45k from new. Just question of looking out for them. Great little cars, easy to work on and generally reliable!
  3. nesty

    Micra K11 - Space Wagon

    Yeah, I didn't know just how many different models there were, I'd love to have a space wagon!
  4. nesty

    Micra K11 - Space Wagon

    The one thing I would like on my K11 is a slightly larger boot, but a bit pricey for me! ?
  5. nesty

    Micra K11 - Space Wagon I didn't even know they did a space Wagon in the K11!
  6. nesty

    K11 (prefacelift) temperature gauge, where is the needle meant to sit?

    I have rectified it short term, a bit cardboard down the front of the rad! ?
  7. nesty

    Do preface lifts have a OBD port for diagnosing stuff?

    OK thanks, so plugging in with this and the software, could determine any sensor errors? The idle issue, I have been having has diminished somewhat, but when the idle drops, it now quickly restores back to normal abet goes to say 1100rpm, then drops back to 750rpm.
  8. nesty

    K11 (prefacelift) temperature gauge, where is the needle meant to sit?

    Hi In my daily runner K11 I noticed that my temperature gauge when warm flits to halfway, but if the blower is on warm or down motorways, if the air is cool, the needle goes down to say the lower line in the photo, then can raise back up again. Is this normal bandwidth, or should the...
  9. nesty

    cobra Alarm adding more keys

    Thanks, though I have emailed cobra to see if anything can be done, if no satisfactory response, then out it comes. Though, I am not sure how difficult it is to remove these ones.
  10. nesty

    cobra Alarm adding more keys

    Hi All Not sure if anyone can help me here. I have a below alarm Cobra, the previous owner put it in. I am trying to add extra keys to it, as down to 1 key, through I am having issues getting the car to programming mode to...
  11. nesty

    How to test injectors

    Ok thanks for the advice, it happens very random this idle issue and thought if MAF sensor or so would be more frequently, why I am thinking more intermittent injector. Hoping to test more at the weekend.
  12. nesty

    How to test injectors

    Had a bit of bad idle again today, but I noticed my back box it's full of soot, this back box was only installed 5 weeks ago, (my other micra K11 exhaust is fine, no soot), so my daily runner seems to be running rich, does this point to an injector? I yet to spray the MAF cleaner down the TB...
  13. nesty

    Do preface lifts have a OBD port for diagnosing stuff?

    OK thanks Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk
  14. nesty

    Do preface lifts have a OBD port for diagnosing stuff?

    Ok many thanks. Sorry for being dumb, I don't know much about this side of the mechanics, do I use this plug with a handheld device?
  15. nesty

    Do preface lifts have a OBD port for diagnosing stuff?

    Hi I think I am having issues with a dodgy intermittent working fuel injector. Do the pre face lifts have a plug in port to help diagnosing with any error codes etc? thanks
  16. nesty

    Through the MOT no advisories

    My 2nd Micra passed MOT no advisories, not bad for a 27 year old vehicle!
  17. nesty

    Preface lift throttle body clean - How to clean in situ

    Ok thanks, it's just my back up 2nd K11 going in for MOT early this week, so essential my daily runner isn't compromised, as only transportation I have to get to work!
  18. nesty

    Preface lift throttle body clean - How to clean in situ

    Many thanks for the replies, Earlier, in the week I used some Liqui Moly fuel injection cleaner in the fuel, over the last 2 days, the issue not been too bad, (though weather has been milder), had a couple of idle drop blips, but the engine restored the correct idle within a couple of seconds...
  19. nesty

    Preface lift throttle body clean - How to clean in situ

    OK thanks Sent from my VOG-L09 using Tapatalk