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  1. nesty

    5 Door or not 5 door... this is my question

    Yeah the reason why I sold my T3 was I wanted an automatic and PAS. Not much choice out there selection wise in the T4 for autos. I will probably go Jap (Mazda, Toyota etc) for the campervan in 2023, as already have this years holidays already booked!
  2. nesty

    5 Door or not 5 door... this is my question

    That is one nice pre-facelift you have right there!
  3. nesty

    5 Door or not 5 door... this is my question

    I used to have a T3 (T25) Campervan until 2020, I looked into a T4 (campervan) but prices really high for the spec I thought!
  4. nesty

    5 Door or not 5 door... this is my question

    What as in VW T4 head? No worries, now I know where you are I'll keep a look out! If it doesn't feel correct, then run with your guts instinct. The 2nd hand market has picked up in terms of cost of decent vehicles, but there are some sellers (IMHO), asking way too much for a pile of junk.
  5. nesty

    5 Door or not 5 door... this is my question Or this coilpack one £995 (not sure of your budget), but good clean condition with 52k on the clock!
  6. nesty

    First micra buying advice please

    Could be leaking anywhere in truth, though if it is the radiator, water generally collects at the bottom as there is a lip of the front cross member and plastic fairing under that which would be wet. How many miles has it got on it?
  7. nesty

    5 Door or not 5 door... this is my question

    Not sure where you are located, ok it's a 3 door and had the odd dent (though can be pulled out), though if didn't get any bids around £750-800 etc for 46k on the clock with service history. It has MOT until September and Ok it has had a spot of welding on the seat belt anchor point 2 years ago...
  8. nesty

    Anyone for a pick-up! Never seen on of these before!
  9. nesty

    5 Door or not 5 door... this is my question

    Yes, that is a coilpack, so should in theory have less corrosion and things to watch for then a prefacelift, hope it goes ok and you join the clan!
  10. nesty

    5 Door or not 5 door... this is my question

    I have only had prefacelift version, I gather the Coilpacks don't tend to rust as much, as prefacelift. If it's a preface lift version check the sills (sunroof drains into them) and front crossmember (bottom of where the radiator sits), take a decent touch with you (not a piddly one), you want...
  11. nesty

    5 Door or not 5 door... this is my question

    Always ways of messing around with them a bloke on u tube does a video of all these mods on a 1L to get a power of a 1.3L can't see the point, when you could spend the cash on a 1.3L IMHO. Though, around town they great and if it's a low mileage example in good condition then you can't be...
  12. nesty

    5 Door or not 5 door... this is my question

    Depending upon your appetite for torque, you might find the 1L a bit gutless!
  13. nesty

    5 Door or not 5 door... this is my question

    Good luck, 1.0L or 1.3L?
  14. nesty

    5 Door or not 5 door... this is my question

    I've had nothing but 5 doors, for accessibility it's a no brainer for me, as I put a bit of cargo in sometimes and that suits me. If you looking for a more sporty look and not bothered about side access, then a 3 door would suit.
  15. nesty

    New clutch Fitted

    I might of misread the initial post, does the clutch judder, when you release the pedal into drive? I think it was engine to gearbox, but this was one a VW T25 transporter (rear engine and gearbox). It juddered especially in reverse and in 1st. Though, for the K11's I haven't had any...
  16. nesty

    New clutch Fitted

    On a different vehicle, I had clutch judder turned out to be the bolts were loose.
  17. nesty

    Doing my head in now !

    I have 2 K11's pre facelifts (both low mileage) and funny enough had similar the black smoke on both & occasional bad low idle. On one I soldered the MAF sensor all good, that fixed it and no further issues. On the other (the daily runner for commuting), I soldered the MAF sensor and that...
  18. nesty

    Where to buy cheap Micra k11s

    I know this one has no PAS or electric windows same as my first K11. I know it's 1L so be gutless, but at 38k miles you see what I am saying about some low mileage ones coming on, something like this should give many years of motoring probably for say £850 if you haggle correctly...
  19. nesty

    Where to buy cheap Micra k11s

    To the OP I'll keep a look out. I assume a manual you after? Not being ageist when I say this, some K11's do tend to be owned by retired people pottering to the shops and then they give up driving and come on to the market, how I got my 2. Though additionally a key thing have they been...
  20. nesty

    Where to buy cheap Micra k11s

    If you in the market for a manual then far more choice. IMHO the 1L are gutless, so if you want some power, at least go for the 1.3 option!