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  1. C

    WTB - Rear plastic above license plate, Super S parts, plus others :)

    now we're talking, deal done, text me your address and I'll text you back mine and we just post them $70 + post ....edit make it $50
  2. C

    WTB - Rear plastic above license plate, Super S parts, plus others :)

    how much, Im a tight prick at the best of times and I got a new mortgage the other day, I was hoping to do swaps
  3. C

    WTB - Rear plastic above license plate, Super S parts, plus others :)

    bonnet is straight but paint is sunburnt, the car looks like its had the 2 guards and drivers door replaced and repainted sometime in its history I also have a spare SupS bumper minus brackets, was keeping but you never know, also have std springs etc but don't want to cripple my wrecks(I like...
  4. C

    WTB - Rear plastic above license plate, Super S parts, plus others :)

    swap u for jdm cup holders mate :), may be able to help with other parts too
  5. C

    Parts for sale! Need gone ASAP or they go to the bin!

    I need the brackets and a good drivers side reflector(inside the spotty) to complete a spare SupS bar I got as part of a package, any extra lights/lenses/tie down cover would be bonus, tell me now you smashed the passenger side and that the brackets are ok/repairable :)
  6. C

    WTB - Rear plastic above license plate, Super S parts, plus others :)

    I have your front guard, in excellent condition, in the hunter valley
  7. C

    Parts for sale! Need gone ASAP or they go to the bin!

    if that front bar has lights and brackets consider it sold
  8. C

    engine stuttering at turn over.

    throttle body plays up in different ways, first time mine went it was instant, it barely kangaroo hopped home, resolder then good for 4 years, this time (recently) it was gradual and erratic, I swapped out everything chasing it (shoulda started there)
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    dash cup holders please, price?, condition? and price on front seats too, is the drivers side in good condition?
  10. C

    make it fast cheap

    just accelerate earlier and brake later, cheap as chips
  11. C

    anyone want to lower mi micra for me

    just buy tyries coilovers or new, then you can adjust as needed, a lot safer than cut springs, I bottomed my car out(rears) on a country road when I first got my car and nearly ended up in the trees, + the fronts used to come out of the strut and damaged the shockies. I replaced with 30mm lower...
  12. C

    Nissan BE-1

    not me, this is what about $9k gets you in japan
  13. C

    Micra K11 Ignition Key Broke in Ignition Barrel

    Haynes manual says to remove column, remove switch and then to drill out shear screws. Refitting requires new shear screws which you tighten until the heads break off
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    whats your surname, I may know your family
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    Hahaha, you guys are driving around my old stomping grounds, I live at Greta now but I'm a Medowie boy from way back
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    Passing of member MIPCAR

    So sorry to hear this. Susie and I send our condolences to the family. We wish you good luck for the future ...Rudy and Susan
  17. C

    My Little Beast Pt.2

    real nice, cant wait to see it with some nice wheels
  18. C

    wanted --- boot cover for 2008 micra hatch

    not many k12 owners on here Gary, you may need to check out the local wreckers in your area welcome to the forum and good luck finding a cover
  19. C

    K11 Micra ECM/ECU

    easy to acquire 2nd hand, easy to install, they must have a reason they want to replace it?