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  1. C

    Fuel pump problem ?

    good to hear you'r back on the road mate, both my pump and relay are quite loud, maybe they get louder as they get older
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    New Member

  3. C

    Fuel pump problem ?

    $3 test light or meter would be your best friend, see if there's power at the pump, next step back is the relay, the relay is fed from the computer, the relay is switched from a feed from your fuse box when you got reds/ignition on, computer is switched from a sensor that tells it the motor is...
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    sandblasting rubber exterior trim

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    The DIY turbo build thread - Page 4

    one is earth (black), one goes to the negative side of the fuel gauge (in the book it says yellow/red), the last goes to the negative side of the low fuel light (yellow/green???) the jap sender would have the same surely, does the jap sender(s) go to earth differently
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    need a k11 throttle body for a 1.3

    download this file and print, either DIY or get an auto elec or mechanic to resolder it
  7. C

    95 lx free to good home.

    text me text me .....Rudy 0400767960
  8. C

    Clutch pedal to high

    there is adjustment at the pedal too, it will stop the pedal returning too high, but if your cable is stretched you may have troubles
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    WTB: K11 Super S or Impul Front Bumper

    and SupS specific mounts(brackets) edit.. if you did want to buy one new order the Japanese one, looks heaps better
  10. C

    WTB: K11 Super S or Impul Front Bumper

    $300 would be cheap for straight bar with complete spotties, brackets and towhook cover, not as easy to find complete and undamaged as people think, I paid more for my jap spec one. unless you can repair them yourself a damaged bar will cost more to repair than its worth
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    HR15 questions

    Impul make a charger kit for the cr14de from the k12s, don't know how rare they are in japan?, I think all cr14's delivered in aus were autos tho
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    My new build thread!

    what's a sr24ve out of
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    engine stuttering at turn over.

    don't you hate it when you cant friggin work it out yourself, hope its the end of this issue for ya
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    WTB - handbrake arm rest from jap k11

    our manuals are definitely a lot different, can anyone verify if our auto's had a different type of trim here
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    Just got my first K11. Dodgy fuel consumption?

    ask your mate how much he wants for it
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    Just got my first K11. Dodgy fuel consumption?

    you'd be lucky to get that far on a set of tyres Muzza, haha
  17. C

    Just got my first K11. Dodgy fuel consumption?

    I've done 550 before, when I first got it, I don't pay attention to my mileage anymore, flog the bloody thing everywhere good to see another Novocastrian, there's a few of us now