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  1. C

    Bang for buck mods on you K11

    very true Tyrie, I done both at same time, I've always been impressed with the micra's brakes, the old tyres were letting me down big time tho, did you use the bigger SuperS/ABS brake booster? could you fully lock up your sticky tyres? what can you get to test and measure the stopping power of...
  2. C

    Bang for buck mods on you K11

    silly old bugger with trailer pulls up to complete stop at roundabout even tho there was plenty of vision, no cars at all in any direction, just wasn't expecting it, got a big dose of adrenalin anyhow
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    Bang for buck mods on you K11

    after last nights little episode I can answer this a bit better, bigger brakes and tyres are my best investment at the moment, they just saved me from having to buy a new car. I got the brakes(pulsar) for nothing, 14" mags for $20 each(+can paint) and new tyres(185/55/14) for $80 each, I've had...
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    Bang for buck mods on you K11

    tape up your rev limiter hahaha
  5. C

    Issue: Missing :(

    throttle body or injector??
  6. C

    Low Idle revs

    maybe someone adjusted the idle while engine cold, does it run ok otherwise
  7. C

    1995 nissan micra super s for sale

    Welcome home BeeBoop
  8. C

    Will this eBay throttle body work on our K11 1.3's?

    that's the right thr/body, I have one but I've never fitted it yet, from what I understand without a professional tune you may have flat spots, but some improvement under full throttle, water lines are larger on this t/b but otherwise plug an play. pity you aint a little bit closer, I'd let you...
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    why, just paint em
  10. C

    Someone buy this quick!!!

    cant help thinking that for a newby, both this car and tyries would be a bargain together,$2.3k for currant nsw rego + the best parts from 2 SupS, pretty good satin black paintjob could be done overnight, leftover spares could be sold to offset next rego if this car is a SupS?, cant see...
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    Rebarreled steelies

    make sure you let everyone know if you can find someone to do this, I'd love some 14" pulsar steelies done
  12. C

    best way to remove engine???

    this is what I would do if I was in your position cookie, drain gearbox and engine remove drive shafts then reattach hubs etc. finger tight, it can roll/steer again, remove bonnet pull engine and box using at the very least a chain block, roll car away, every thing easier to work on now...
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    2 door drivers side door hinges wtb

    I done mine again after this, and I also had to bend the window post back a bit too on both sides, now the doors shut beautifully
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    the story begins......

    be careful with the oil overflow plug on front of box, easy to round out and there usually tight. fill thru speedo drive hole
  15. C

    2 door drivers side door hinges wtb

    yea, a little, they are nearly twenty years old haha
  16. C

    the story begins......

    replacement boots don't last long, driveshafts can be got for as little as $100 each, tell the bloke at the shop "cash, no receipt needed" and you can usually get a good price, do both and driveshaft seals and fresh oil, saves going back later I reckon
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    stock parts for sale

    what sort of parts?
  18. C

    2 door drivers side door hinges wtb

    all intact, dunno about droop, door was sitting in my shed
  19. C

    2 door drivers side door hinges wtb

    $25 posted, I'll text you my bank details when my missus gets home.
  20. C

    Micra jerky at low speeds

    engine mount(s)?