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    Agent_Sm1ths Activ

    And there was me thinking you had dropped it off in a bin :)
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    K11 facelift idle problems

    Cool! I have a smokers toothbrush waiting :) I had a good look at the TB I bought from Ebay so that all makes perfect sense. I will take pics and come back to this tomorrow. Many thanks for the advice/input....greatly appreciated. I have the TS25 for the MAF, don't have other tools for that IAC...
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    K11 facelift idle problems

    Re the other IAC Actuator, the two 'screws' holding it on, what tool would you use for that? I have tried my Allen wrenches but, not go the right one so, was patient today vs trying to use the wrong tool :)
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    K11 facelift idle problems

    Sorry, by 'miss', I mean a sudden lag, similar to an MAF issue but different....Like it's about to stall, usually rectified by changing gear or a little push on the accelerator. I am about to pull the tb tomorrow and do that very thing......I have one I bought from Ebay a while ago, ie robbed...
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    K11 facelift idle problems

    INTERESTING... I was about to post about the sensors on the throttle body, the 3 of them. I am curious if the other 2(NOT the MAF) would cause the car to 'miss' when running in traffic at a slow speed? Not a huge deal but it is starting to annoy me and make me wonder what is causing it. Have...
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    Agent_Sm1ths Activ

    Too funny! I found one of these 2 days ago and could not figure out where it was meant to go, now I know! :)
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    Adam's K11 Facelift Blog.

    Accidental new car added....Red K11, Micra S. Two choices, sell or scrap this silver one!!!!! Anyone looking for a Micra S?
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    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    HA! missed this on here vs Farcebook :)
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    Boot/Petrol Release Mechanism.

    And as luck would have arrived at the yard today as I was chatting with the owner!
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    Adam's K11 Facelift Blog.

    AHAHAHA! Well, would take far more skill than I possess but, a good slice of fortune today :)
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    Adam's K11 Facelift Blog.

    What a day at the scrappy! Great quality replacement carpet, the main one inside....£10!!!!! That was fun getting that out however, sorted it :) Removed a really good tow bar and bracket, mine is ratty as hell! Included in the £10 price above. Various missing bolts and pieces I want to...
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    Agent_Sm1ths Activ

    I figured you might not have gone the kit route :) The T5 led holders being the black led holders right? EDIT......Just looked online and answered my own question :)
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    Agent_Sm1ths Activ

    Silly question time :) Did you get a standard kit from Ebay or how did you go about this?
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    Boot/Petrol Release Mechanism.

    Excellent, thank you.....The handle I have so, will be having a good look at other Nissans when I am next at the yard. so annoyed I broke it.
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    Boot/Petrol Release Mechanism.

    Thanks, I am no genius with this stuff so, any clues are welcomed.....I will have a good nose when I go back to the yard later this week. I will look at the K12's and, see if there is a 350Z lurking anywhere locally. Ta!
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    Boot/Petrol Release Mechanism.

    Thanks.....My 2000 S did not come with one so, the one I have removed from the yard is a boot and flap one. The bit I managed to break, being the hamfisted person that I am. And the release flap for the boot and flap. We are in Kent, South East.
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    Boot/Petrol Release Mechanism.

    Recently decided to install one of these onto my K11C.....May have destroyed some of the mechanism in the process of removing it at the scrappy....this bit. Do other Nissans have the same mechanism, primarily the 'stand off' thing on the fuel part or do I need to keep hunting yards for a K11...
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    Adam's K11 Facelift Blog.

    Need to pop the freshly painted grills into the front, and remove the large badge and replace it with the smaller black version. Getting there re the cosmetics....real work starts sooner than later though :)
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    Adam's K11 Facelift Blog.

    MUCH happier with this look.....Hole plugged(for now), glue removed, different handle with the smaller badge. MUCH prefer the black handle. :)
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    K11 2000 Washer Jet mod.

    Anyone else or is this the only way to do it? Just curious how others have sorted this. Ta.