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  1. L

    K11 can they take E10 petrol?

    obvously nissan is on the defense on a sensitive topic like this. Like: if you put in E10 and your car breaks, they don't want to be held responsible.
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    CG10 finetuning advice (Cams, Headers, Injectors, ECU?)

    it was the 2nd notch more or less. not perfectly as it depends on the angle you look etc...
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    CG10 finetuning advice (Cams, Headers, Injectors, ECU?)

    tried to check the lobes... it's actually really hard to tell by looking at the lobes. Checking the timing marks is easier and it's set right: the lobes: The exhaust sound: the coughing is hearable, though it's a very low tone and my mobiles Camera/Mic isn't suited ideally for the job...
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    CG10 finetuning advice (Cams, Headers, Injectors, ECU?)

    yes, definitely. Measured they have about 1,5mm more lift. They must be the 1.3 Cams. The engine has ~170k km (~100k miles), always starts without hesitation, even with the old battery and starter. never measured compression tho... whatever i can think of, you already tried :D?
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    CG10 finetuning advice (Cams, Headers, Injectors, ECU?)

    is that the reason the car might feel slower once the engine is hot as well? Open loop on cold engine? It feels snappier when it's cold. But of course the idle speed while it's cold is higher too. Could be a dirty mod to put in a switch that shows the ecu a colder temperature value ? should...
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    Micra K11 seats??

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    CG10 finetuning advice (Cams, Headers, Injectors, ECU?)

    The car is well maintained. timing was at raoundabout ~15° btdc. I tried different setting prior changing cams and the Exhaust manifold, and it felt like it would accelerate faster, but behave much worse if it goes uphill or if the car is loaded. The chain is not worn. i chainged it a few years...
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    definitive fix for a red chip key nats k11 micra (cg10or cg13 engine) with nats / immobiliser problems.

    But at least there is the key ring reader... but i guess it won't be harmed. The red NATS light in the center console is working as usual as well: blinking while turned off, and stops blinking when the enigne is running ?
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    Micra K11 seats??

    could somebody move this from build diaries/Blogs to mechanical or wherever fits? I'd be interessted in other seats as well, preferably plug/play (or more like screw and sit ? ) No other nissans to chose from? Somethign that is lower for taller people?
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    CG10 finetuning advice (Cams, Headers, Injectors, ECU?)

    Hello Micramaniacs, I have mine since 2017 and started to like it more and more the longer i have it. Not as a sportscar but as a small extraordinary comfortable (and reliable) car (especially for its size) that you can rev to the limit every now and then without worrying. it's a preFL 1.0 from...
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    Micra K11 low on power

    Any news here? Have you tried Fuel-additives to clean the injectors and valves etc...?
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    1.3 supercharger build

    Almost a year past... what's the status now? K11 Supercharged got me excited!(y)
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    The Mean Green Track Machine

    nice work! the dyno resulst are hard to read, nice curves anyway! But quite a low valley before 4k rpm (yeah it's a turbo...)... add a Supercharger and make it a SuperTurbo :devilish: just kidding, you might not need <4k rpm on the track anymway (are you using cg13 gearbox?)? though you haven't...
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    K11 can they take E10 petrol?

    Only? there's more to it. At least a complete different ECU, Other Sensors as well (MAF ist different, crank sensor reading from flywheel, injector type is different,....) datasheets say higher compression as well. opinions here in Germany say no to use E10 on the old micras... not worth the...
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    definitive fix for a red chip key nats k11 micra (cg10or cg13 engine) with nats / immobiliser problems.

    What about the Immobilliser itself, now it's connected straight to the other lines aswell...? Nonetheless I tried the soldering method with a spare ECU. Works! (as far as i can tell) now... is there a lane unconnected, that gets more horsies? just kidding:giggle: i know there are 20+20 Pins...
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    definitive fix for a red chip key nats k11 micra (cg10or cg13 engine) with nats / immobiliser problems.

    thanks for letting everybody know how to steal a k11? are there side effects to be expected with @.Maarten solution? wiring 2 lanes together usually isn't good for circuits is it? ? PS: what's with Ed? he's the guy i came here for. gotta ask about some ECU tuning stuff:(
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    Coilpack Flyweel VS DizzyFlywheel

    damn, that flywheel from the dizzy one looks extrmeely lightweight