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  1. Hugh

    NeX's North East Meet, 17th June

    Meh! we've had meets in the pouring rain before lol
  2. Hugh

    NeX's North East Meet, 17th June

    How about 3:30? I'm meeting up with Ele before Boldon. So I'm definitely coming.
  3. Hugh

    NeX's North East Meet, 17th June

    What time are we meeting at Boldon????
  4. Hugh

    Happy birthday squarepants!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday
  5. Hugh

    NeX's North East Meet, 17th June

    Might be around if I can. Not sure what I'm up to these days.
  6. Hugh

    Tan Hill, Sometime?

    Bump. So any ideas on date then, anyone?
  7. Hugh

    Happy Birthday NeX!

    Happy Birthday
  8. Hugh

    12" and 10" subs

    All depends on Subs, install and budget. I had two 8's that would drop lower than some friends 10's and 12's would. But don't mix different sized subs unless you know what your doing and are prepared to spend a lot of time fine tuning.
  9. Hugh

    Tan Hill, Sometime?

    Think we should move this to May?
  10. Hugh

    Rover nearly blew up in Tyne Tunnel!

    Or it could be a coolant problem. I had all kinds of fun with my metro when the radiator was shot.
  11. Hugh

    best software?

    As another Sys Admin, I've only ever needed the two Arnold's mentioned.
  12. Hugh

    Tan Hill, Sometime?

    Well the 25/4 is not good for me. So I'm out for that weekend.
  13. Hugh

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday!!
  14. Hugh

    Lol some people just make me laugh.

    Ah ok, well perhaps it's just that they are concerned about the risk to themselves, you know viruses and the like, plus the chance that if it's stolen there could be something that is sensitive to the company in one of your mails.
  15. Hugh

    Lol some people just make me laugh.

    Pete, that would be because the Iphone is not secure or encrypted. Plus the info you may have in your mails may be covered by the official secrets act + others
  16. Hugh

    Anyone interested?

  17. Hugh

    Block dodger.

    Try &
  18. Hugh

    Tan Hill, Sometime?

    Not sure for me. Think I may be elsewhere. But will know a little more in a couple of weeks.
  19. Hugh

    N96? N95? N97? what to choose

    I've got the n95 (non 8GB) and the N96. The n96 is nice for the extra storage, but I do find it a slower than the n95 and the battery lasts longer in the n95 than my n96. But out of other phones I've tested recently I find the n96 is the best. Hated all the new high mega pixel phones around, as...
  20. Hugh

    Tan Hill, Sometime?

    18 /4 sounds good to me.