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  1. G

    k11 micra spark plug hex missing

    No, that set is for stud extraction when there is something left above the surface. you need a male set.
  2. G

    k11 micra spark plug hex missing

    Looks like somebody has snapped the top off the spark plug. Get a set of easi-outs, get the engine hot, plenty of plus gas (got to be penetrating oil, not wd40!) should come out a treat. I had a jeep with 2 snapped off plugs, a result of somebody trying to force them out of a cold engine.
  3. G

    k11 micra spark plug hex missing

    Hi George, just seen your thread, have you resolved your dilemma?
  4. G

    Lannette: The rust and not ready build

    Hate to be the harbinger of doom but this sounds like a classic head gasket failure. The coolant is, possibly, draining into one or more cylinders as the engine cools down. Hence the reluctant starting as the water in the cylinders is causing a hydraulic lock. I hope I am barking up the wrong...
  5. G

    How to test injectors

    Soot does suggest over fuelling. I'm new to K11's do early cars have OBD? Rich mixture is either a sensor giving a false signal, MAF/lambda fault, or a mechanical/physical issue. Typically over pressure of the fuel rail or a lazy injector.