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  1. Mach1

    Yes it's probably been done to death

    My Micra is diesel, but my other cars are Petrol Suzuki's, as soon as this E10 crap was introduced is obvious that you will get lower power and MPG from this crap, e.g for paying full price at the pump (which is about 77% tax anyway) you only get 90% petrol, So I use a benzine mix which...
  2. Mach1

    Idler Belt pulley for alternator

    Information on Micra 25 ( edition to celebrate 25 years,Nissan's presence in europe) s://;)
  3. Mach1

    1.4 auto stalling when warm

    I would first change the air filter, run the car on petrol/injectors cleaner additive for a while, plug a OBD2 scanner in to port to monitor ecu for starters.:unsure:
  4. Mach1

    Nissan Micra K12 C+C Driver's door lock

    Glad, we all have to go that extra mile sometimes to source parts we need, but I personally think, the Micra's are worth keeping going. looking at modern stuff, when you factor in the maintenance costs of these technical marvels they are not worth the grief, just try pricing up LED headlights...
  5. Mach1

    Nissan Micra K12 C+C Driver's door lock

    Try this web site, failing that eBay has plenty of C+C cars breaking for parts.:)
  6. Mach1


    Try this video for tips in replacing the motor (blower):unsure:
  7. Mach1


    Try a free download of the worshop manual .:unsure:
  8. Mach1

    Suspension Arm OSF

    Try this web site, you can locate your precise model and engine, look at the schematic then you will have a description of the part you are looking for together with a part number which you can then order from a auto dealer.:unsure:
  9. Mach1

    Poor acceleration at low engine speeds

    Poor acceleration you can start by replacing the air filter and put some petrol additive into the petrol to help boost the performance and clean out any build up of carbon that could be clogging up the valves and pistons the smoke you describe when accellerating is it blue or white smoke?
  10. Mach1

    Idler Belt pulley for alternator

    I think looking forward you may need an Electric Die Grinder, which would suit your needs, it is a lot more robust & has a 6mm chuck that will take gringing wheels, de burrers, and also the attachment i showed you earlier which will accept the 4" cutting discs.:)...
  11. Mach1

    Which new starter?

    without the correct car details a generic starter for your 1.2 is part no; 233001F771. around £60 on e-bay
  12. Mach1

    Idler Belt pulley for alternator I use these adaptors for my flexi windi driver when I cannot get in to tight places with the angle grinder with a cutting disc, they also fit well into a portable router motor and chuck also a fast electric drill. but be careful as there is no safety...
  13. Mach1

    Boot Lock Central Lock Issue

    Take off the boot wiring gaiter in the top corner of the boot when rear hatch is open, wiring there can become brittle and break internally,and cause ever total voltage failure or intermitent faults. Its common to get this, I suffered the same checked all, and it was the wiring that came out of...
  14. Mach1

    Idler Belt pulley for alternator

    That should help you, lots of times its easier to chop off the heads of bolts etc than trying to deal with corroded nuts and bolts. good luck with your project.(y)
  15. Mach1

    Idler Belt pulley for alternator

    Check the direction of the pulley as if the direction is anti-clockwise then it may be the bolt is a left hand thread! ( so the bolt tends to keep tight when under rotational stress) similar concept to one of the pedals on a push bike which is left hand thread. Also a heat gun is too broad a...
  16. Mach1

    Idler Belt pulley for alternator

    The pulley head can be replaced quite easily, this includes a new bearing pressed into the pulley wheel, as this part takes the most load and movement, this should be ok to renew for now, the auto tensioner is quite sturdy and designed for long service, when you remove the pully head spray some...
  17. Mach1

    E10 in a K12

    I use a 200Ml bottle and put it in the tank and put 20 Litres of E10 in the tank, or you can use 100Ml bottle and put 10 Litres of fuel in Etc. Once this additive gets to work after a good run, you will have cleaned most of the internal gum and tarnish from the injectors and carbon from top of...
  18. Mach1

    Idler Belt pulley for alternator

    Hard to access areas are a real problem, I crushed a finger many years ago using crap tools and decided to stay clear of cheap tools better to wait than cause injury or ruin the job at hand, I have my front bumper and headlights removed to make access easier, as the Micra is laid up for winter...
  19. Mach1

    Idler Belt pulley for alternator

    I am changing my timing belt, water pump, and alternator/ac belts including all pre tensioners. As my engine is diesel it a different set up, however the process is similar in that you best warm up the engine before you start the heat will help with the bolts attached into the engine, also make...
  20. Mach1

    E10 in a K12

    My Micra is Diesel, however my suzuki's run on petrol and I use an additive to offset the ethanol dilution of the petrol at the pumps. uk E10 is 95 octane and super unleaded is 97 octane but still at E 5 ethanol blend. so really it's a choice.