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  1. C

    Easter long weekend Sydney meet....

    Thanks - that's pretty local to me
  2. C

    Electric mirror question

    I am a newbie to micra's and just realised in another thread that some K11's came out with electrically operated mirrors.Is this one of the differences between a Mark 1 and 2 or where they an option ? How hard is it to install electric mirrors form a Mark 2 on one that did not have electric...
  3. C

    Easter long weekend Sydney meet....

    sunday or monday afternoon for me. Where is this boat ramp that is mentioned ?
  4. C

    Gearbox oil question/predicament

    What are the thoughts on this oil ? Anyone used it ? good/bad/indifferent ? i bought it because it was the only one that had a GL4 specification (as recommended in the owners manual).The rest were all GL5 oils. And thoughts on using oil additives for the gearbox ...
  5. C

    Gearbox oil question/predicament

    What is the recommended kilometres or time interval for when the manual gearbox oil should be changed and topped up. The original owners and Haynes manuals don’t seem to mention it, or have I missed seeing it ? The Haynes manual shows me where the transmission drain plug is. Easy enough. It...
  6. C

    Easter long weekend Sydney meet....

    i am interested - i am located around Inner Sydney
  7. C

    JDM cup holder installation

    thanks for the tips guys.... and doom - your comment 'as you will only get one shot at it lol' only puts me under more pressure not to F*ck it up ! hehe.....I will make sure to buy enough tape to have a few cracks at the job !!! Thanks again
  8. C

    FS: nismo stuff

    Pm'ed you - no response.... Parts for sale
  9. C

    JDM cup holder installation

    Anyone know how to fit these ? I just got one but it did not come with any clips and there is nowhere for it to 'snap in place" when you place it into position on the dashboard. I assume that it is held in place by using a thick enough adhesive backed foam strip (to stop rattling)and wedging...
  10. C

    BODY WRAP of my micra

    I assume you mean that the car has been wrapped in vinyl instead of doing a paintjob/respray ?
  11. C

    WTB: JDM Cup Holder

    Just got my JDM cup holders. I used Jesse Streeter. Costed $105.83 delivered to my door in Sydney. It arrived in excellent condition. All round great service...... He answers all queries accurately and quickly.Postage was really quick from Japan. I rate this an A plus transaction. Anyone...
  12. C

    Front Radiator Suport section. REMOVE THAT RUST!

    Going to need to fix the rust on the lower front radiator support soon also. For those who have done this, did they use the panel from or elsewhere ? If elsewhere, where ? Whatever panel was used, was it a good fit out of the box or was there a lot of fiddling around to make it...
  13. C

    Rust removal

    Going to need to fix the rust on the lower front radiator support soon also. For those who have done this, did they use the panel from or elsewhere ? If elsewhere, where ? Whatever panel was used, was it a good fit out of the box or was there a lot of fiddling around to make...
  14. C

    need Micra 1995 clutch cable

    Another novice question : Once the cable has been placed in position how do you ensure it is adjusted correctly ?
  15. C

    need Micra 1995 clutch cable

    Another novice question : Once the cable has been placed in position how do you ensure it is adjusted correctly ? I have also seen that people are asking to buy clucth cables off members on this site. Why is this necessary. Aren't they still available through dealerships or are they...
  16. C

    EOI/FS K11 in Brisbane

  17. C

    MickB Micra

    you mention you have an ebay short shifter but will be removing it. Any particular reason for removing ? Using Motorbike carbs Any particular reason/s for using them ? Are they Bogg bros/R1 Carbs ?
  18. C

    AWD Micras in Japan

    Does anyone know if those rear taillights can be used to replace the standard k11 taillights ?
  19. C

    WTB : Rear Parcel Shelf !

    anyone in sydney with one ?If so,condition, cost and location please
  20. C

    2 Micras available for parts

    are they available now or when you have bought the fourth one ?