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  1. CapitanXeon

    The £80 Micra

    Maybe i'm missing something here, but what about the rear fog light?
  2. CapitanXeon

    The £80 Micra

    Welp, i'll look around to see what i can find. At the end, plans arent that clear at this point, just got a second facelift bumper and it comes without the fog lights cover, and people around here thinks that each cover is worth the same as the whole bumper lol. I need to administrate my money...
  3. CapitanXeon

    Radio sound drops out.

    The fastest way to "close" this might be trying for a day with another unit with it's own loom or one that plugs directly to the car. If the issue is the car loom, the issue should persist. The thing will be finding one lol, do you have the original one?
  4. CapitanXeon

    The £80 Micra

    F in the chat bois:cry: that's what i get for getting into an UK forum xD but at least now i know there's nice paint that withstands heat, all i have at shops around me is black-gray-white and i wanted that metallic blue lol
  5. CapitanXeon

    The £80 Micra

    What kind of paint did you use? Is it withstanding harsh conditions (as the engine heat) well? I want to paint mine but i'm unsure if the paint will just yolo out all over the place. I love your Micra and i'm definetely taking this post as a reference!
  6. CapitanXeon

    Platinum spark plugs on 1.3 engine

    Well, i can't say you are wrong, but something i do know about platinum plugs are that they last longer than standard plugs, and i do like the idea of something better lasting longer on my car. Iridium plugs are what might be used on racing tho, and those are much more expensive, even up to...
  7. CapitanXeon

    Platinum spark plugs on 1.3 engine

    They do look fine, but i'm not a plug expert so they might not be. Overall there isn't any humidity on them or any weird color, just a light black layer of whatever, i guess not bad for at least 15000km they didn't even check the oil. I don't know the intervals neither and i've read somewhere...
  8. CapitanXeon

    Platinum spark plugs on 1.3 engine

    Hi everyone! I'm looking around to get things done on my car, and something i should change are the spark plugs. I'm not getting misfires and all that, but i had to bump all them when i changed the oil because the separation was more than it should, so i noted i shiould change the spark plugs...
  9. CapitanXeon

    roof trim

    They might be removable just pulling out, i kinda remember that mine can be pulled, but i can't really assure it to you
  10. CapitanXeon

    Identify the pulley

    Hmm.... my take is: 1-Crankshaft pulley 2-Power Steering pulley 3-Water pump 4-Belt tensioner 5-Alternator 6-A/C Compressor The timing marks should be on the 1. Also now i know how my engine actually looks en the side :LOL::LOL::LOL: i believe it's the exact same one with the same equipment...
  11. CapitanXeon

    Hi from Spain!

    Hello! I'm the new owner of a K11 Micra 1.3 16v, and i saw this is a pretty nice place to talk about it, so here we come! A bit beaten on, but with only 110000km on the clock and running almost as new, i hope i can track down some little issues here and there and have it until govt wants me...