Upright with the seat all the way back, they recline surprisingly far! I’m taller than the car is wide so can’t sleep in the back, I could potentially sleep longways though since I have no passenger seat.
Bolts delivered, cut to size, filed and then (finally) fitted. Far more stress than it should have been :ROFLMAO:
Still curious about union joint tightness if anyone could let me know?
Do I just hand tighten brake pipe unions as far as I can? I know the principal is that the flare at the end of the pipe is the actual seal and it’s flattened by the union but not sure if over tightening results in a crack?
Still have some thread visible on the hose end of the pipe...
Nah had to push it back to Monday as that’s when the garage could book it in, I just got frustrated and had someone go and collect me a box of every type of male union and pipe thickness (turns out there’s only one they sell).
Success! (I hope)
It turns out that nothing can't be achieved with the use of a hammer and a welding torch!
The culprits:
Bleeding nipple (thoroughly ****ed)
Brake pipe union
For anyone interested in sizes (since I couldn't find any for reference) 3/16ths for pipe and generic Halfords...
Meant to be driving to Liverpool this weekend and rear brakes lines are ****ed and need to put in new pistons as the nipples are shot.
I know the copper pipe is 6mm but does anyone know the connection size?
Weird. It comes up for me on those browsers. (and apparently I can now upload screenshots again...)
Edit: Hyperlinks are working again so changed photos.
Bugger. I can't upload / hyperlink using the image function for some reason so was just putting links to imgur.
Edit: I see them on a different browser :unsure: Maybe something at your end?