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  1. S

    K11 pre-facelift. Front door speaker advice

    Could you please put aside a parcel shelf for me? Paid on Sunday. Edit: Also will be working within like 5 miles from you.
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    Dead / broken / kaput.
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    Someone with more knowledge than me can probably weigh in but I'd class that as ****ed.
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    I meant a photo of the radio display so I can see exactly what you mean :ROFLMAO:
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    I mean your radio could just be ****ed? Its > 22 years old after all.
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    Wait forget that, I'm tired. If its a stock radio you've probably locked it and will need a code to reactivate.
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    K10 1.0 LS Smoking out exhaust

    Blue smoke almost always means your rings are worn out.
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    K10 1.0 LS Smoking out exhaust

    Any mechanic who's spanners are real world sizes ;)
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    Introduction to Micras

    Any tips on this as it’s the only rust on mine that’s noticeably bad?
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    Introduction to Micras

    Sills. Check the sills as will rot if the cars not been looked after.
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    Probably should’ve be clearer. According to you your car ran with zero issues prior to whatever it is you did. Immediately after your work you now have this issue, ergo the highest probability is that you’ve done something to cause this. Go back through what you did step by step and check...
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    Window Tinting 3dr

    The glass wasn’t too hard to get out if i remember right, I think several people on here have swapped to opening windows so there’s probably a how to floating about somewhere. In frame will be hit and miss imo as one crease or bubble will leave it looking ****e. Obviously pros do it no problem...
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    So just undo whatever it is you did...
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    Window Tinting 3dr

    For best finish? Take the glass out. Not contest. Its way more about installation prep to ensure the film goes on properly for a smooth finish than it is about the actual film you pick.
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    The Micra of questionable choices

    Wanted to do more work on the car but noooo the heater in the tumble drier had to stop working. I wonder what could possibly have cause that...
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    Registration rules tightened up

    Think this might need enabling again ?
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    Bolt on upgrades?

    AYe I figured but xant find one ? was wondering if there were doable aftermarket ones though
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    Bolt on upgrades?

    Have any recommendations? Currently overhauling a 1.4 to put in but I don't have an ECU for it...
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    Its a work in progress man!