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  1. S

    what did you do to your micra today ?

    I made a mess ? Its been sat with the drain plug open for over a year, honestly didn't think there'd be that much oil left in it.
  2. S

    The Micra of questionable choices

    So 18 months on from getting the engine I finally found time to tear it down... and completely forgot to label and bag things. This could get awkward going forward :rolleyes:
  3. S

    waterpump & powersteering belt

    So final update, I figured it out but the belt is definitely the wrong one so I'm still having the mechanic come. The pivot bolts at the bottom don't just need to be slackened off, they need to be moved out by ~1/2-3/4 of the thread so the entire PAS assembly can be shifted outwards and then...
  4. S

    waterpump & powersteering belt

    Aye thats how I thought it should work which is why I'm so sure the belt I have is too small. My PAS pump moves maybe 15mm but no more and it wasn't enough to get the belt on. Took the entire thing off but the belt wasn't big enough to line the pivots back up, even when someone else was stood...
  5. S

    waterpump & powersteering belt

    I'm currently leaning towards the solution being "have a child do it". These spaces are not man friendly.
  6. S

    waterpump & powersteering belt

    It was nowhere near this hard on a 1.3. These last run of K11 don't have an idle tensioner or anything, given how fiddly it is it seems like a step back in terms of design. Going to take the belt back out and refit the psa pump properly in the morning and hopefully learn something from this...
  7. S

    waterpump & powersteering belt

    And... I give up. Called a mobile mechanic as I'm going to end up shearing one of these bolts.
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    waterpump & powersteering belt

    PSA: don't try and use your face to hold tension on a crowbar.
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    waterpump & powersteering belt

    So I built it up backwards but now I can only get one pivot bolt in because the belt is so tight it pulls the PSA to one side. This is impossible with only two hands ?
  10. S

    waterpump & powersteering belt

    New belt on... Can't get the belt to stretch far enough to fit in the last two bolts. Is this definitely the right size belt?
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    waterpump & powersteering belt

    Stupid question... I've undone all the bolts I can find but its still on there...
  12. S

    waterpump & powersteering belt

    So after faffing about trying to get the damaged belt off and reading a few posts on here I succeeded... My issue now is that the PSA pulley doesn't move enough to get the new belt (4PK725) over both the water pump pulley and the PSA pulley from the crank. Any ideas?
  13. S

    This sounds expensive & time consuming...

    It didn't stop it from running I'm just a wee bit paranoid about driving it to pick up a new belt since its the power steering and water pump & the only place with the belt in stock is an hour round trip.
  14. S

    This sounds expensive & time consuming...

    Going to get a lift up to Euro tomorrow as I don't trust it.
  15. S

    This sounds expensive & time consuming...

    Sods law that its a Sunday and the spare belt I have is for the alternator ?
  16. S

    This sounds expensive & time consuming...

    I was right with the slapping sound! The lower belt (water pump by the looks of it) has a slight tear I didn't see in the dark and the strand is slapping metal when it's rotating.
  17. S

    This sounds expensive & time consuming...

    Going to get in there tomorrow and have a proper look but figured it was worth an ask in the mean time since its dark. It sounds similar to a slack belt on the air compressors we have at work but the belts felt fine when the engine was off. I've looked up random videos online and it definitely...
  18. S

    This sounds expensive & time consuming...

    Any ideas what this could be? Sods law that it happens when I need to drive somewhere tomorrow.
  19. S

    Lost Radio code
  20. S

    Foggy Headlamp covers

    For stuff that you pretty much already had lying around the house you won't get much better. Looks good.(y)