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  1. S


    Ahhh! Knew I'd seen it somewhere. It looks great with all the prep work and paint job, I just couldn't place it when I first saw it.
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    I'm having a brain fart. What on earth is this?
  3. S

    The Micra of questionable choices

    RIght screw this...
  4. S

    Explain these coilovers!

    How've you found the Furyautoworx coilovers? Been very tempted to pick up a set but not much info on them...
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    The Micra of questionable choices

    Finally got around to prepping the wheels after clearing some space and it totally slipped my mind than alloy filler has metal in it, thought I could just generously skim them and blast through it :rolleyes: Orbital is broke so these are going to be a bitch to do.
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    This will always be suggested until I'm able to do it myself:
  7. S

    Break caliper brand

    Going to pick up a set of brake calipers for one of the K11s and just wondering if there are any manufacturers to specifically avoid?
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    Ryan's Micra Blog

    How've you found the 15" wheels compared with stock (13?)?
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    My K11 1.0 Vibe (2002)

    Ouch that looks nasty
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    K11 E10 fuel capable?

    They better not! My micra only has 40k on the clock!
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    K11 E10 fuel capable?

    "the government conceded around 1 million cars would be unable to use E10 when launching its consultation " "The government’s proposals would see E10 petrol introduced to forecourts, with larger forecourts (those that sell 3 million litres of fuel a year or more) also stocking a...
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    K11 E10 fuel capable?

    Pretty sure they said in a press release that it was incompatible with micras but also that they weren't suggesting a 100% shift to E10 given how many "run around" cars were incompatible.
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    Recommendations for a quality standard fit pair speakers K11 Pre F/L

    Haha I wish! He got royally screwed over in the divorce so I think train of random free stuff is over for now. If you do buy even reasonable after market speakers though I wouldn't worry too much about spacers etc (internal door depth is a bit of a problem in micras) as mine are pretty deep but...
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    Recommendations for a quality standard fit pair speakers K11 Pre F/L

    Pinched my aftermarket ones after my mate's car got totalled by his misses. I highly recommend putting a grands worth of audio equipment in a micra :ROFLMAO:
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    Explain these coilovers!

    Stacked springs in series just allows for more adjustment. You can tweak the threshold as to when the secondary spring comes into play. Sounds like your missing parts. Double check your order then call them...?
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    Youtube and no not any. Most head units are of standard set sizes though.
  17. S

    What do I do???

    Hang it properly...? If its hanging too low its either the wrong exhaust and needs modifying or you've hung it wrong.
  18. S

    Wheel centre caps Micra K11

    Does anyone know of generic hub caps that work?
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    SuperS Forged Turbo Build

    Curious, where abouts do you get all your parts from Dave? Is it just Nissan directly and anything else is custom?