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  1. M


    it can be drilled, i'll post some pics, so that you can see which side to do it on, without bypassing the filter. i did it to mine, nd it does feel a bit better, and makes it sounder a bit throaty too!
  2. M

    team dynamic motor sport wheels

    sold to me:upside:
  3. M

    Solarice's Project.

    pm sent for cup holder.
  4. M

    Fitting a Tachometer

    the route i went down was super s dials, best way, they look so smart, and are well easy to fit. i only have a 1.0l, and had to run a wire from the dizzy for the signal, but it is well easy to do, best thing is to be persistant at the scrappers, i looked for ages for one, got one, then once, i...
  5. M

    Midlands meet

    it was me that started the original thread. yea, it had been decided thatsheffield would probably have been the best place. shall we start a names list again as to who was going to go?