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  1. micramarch

    ecu speed sensor

    Here is a thought. Why don't you remove your manual speedo drive in the gearbox and install an electronic speedo gear in the gearbox and hook up the wires. This will give you a signal for your ECU Talk.
  2. micramarch

    FHK11 March Cab

    Well here is my Two pence worth. The rear discs can cool better as they are open to the air. As you will notice with fast cars, they have vents that actually feed cold air to the brakes. You don't have this benefit with drums as the part the brakes are in contact with is covered.
  3. micramarch

    FHK11 March Cab

    It seems as the fault was with the Dizzy. I opened the dizzy give it a quick wipe and rough up contacts and taped up a very brittle casing to the connectors. It has been running ok again.
  4. micramarch

    K11 BITS FS: Armrest, recess, dash pod, nismo arches and strut brace

    Hi Tom I have paid for the armrest, can you message me when you will send it. Thanks
  5. micramarch

    FHK11 March Cab

    Just getting the things I need, before making the swap over.
  6. micramarch

    FHK11 March Cab

    The first cut makes you nervous, then its downhill all the way. I will probably be the first to try this. If it works I will share it with you all. If it don't there will be a wanted ad for part :0
  7. micramarch

    FHK11 March Cab

    Thanks to Enuo, he has done most of it. I will go over them again, before I chop and change :)
  8. micramarch

    FHK11 March Cab

    What do you reckon ? If I swap wires from my one connector plug to new 2 Connectro plug and just plug in the 2 Connector dizzy will it work ?
  9. micramarch

    FHK11 March Cab

    It does look it, is that a 6 pin connector ?
  10. micramarch

    FHK11 March Cab

    I want the actual connectors with some wire, so I can solder them to my existing loom to be able to use the micra distributor.
  11. micramarch

    FHK11 March Cab

    I opened up the dizzy today completely different to the one I took off a Micra. Anyway I put some insualation tape on some of the plastic casing over the wiring connections as they were cracked(they are not rubber cased like the micra dizzy). I put the old one back in the car. It ran for a...
  12. micramarch

    what did you do to your micra today ?

    davyboy will be interested in one
  13. micramarch

    what did you do to your micra today ?

    davyboy do you have a picture of any you have already done ?
  14. micramarch

    what did you do to your micra today ?

    I have one. They may have been put on the imports and Automatics. Here is the picture of it on my car. Do you think it will work the conversion?
  15. micramarch

    what did you do to your micra today ?

    This is a picture of mine.
  16. micramarch

    what did you do to your micra today ?

    I have a 1.3 with the single plug on my dizzy what do you recon if I wire my single connector to two. To allow me to replace my dizzy. Will it work ?
  17. micramarch

    Popping on engine

    If I don't have datascan in theory it should set to 15 degrees if I unplug tps ?
  18. micramarch

    Popping on engine

    Hi Paul How do you lock the ignition timing to 15 degrees
  19. micramarch

    acceleration holding back, oil leak, possible problem???

    It happened to me once a loose battery connection, caused my car to pop several times and eventually cut off and would not restart. It could be something simple. The oil may be unrelated just something you didn't notice before.
  20. micramarch

    Melted plug on dizzy!?!?

    I wanted to swap out my dizzy, the one in my car has one connector and the one I want to fit has two connector. If I make the wires fit into the single plug will it work, as the amount of wires are similar just two plugs instead of one ?