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  1. John_D

    NISSAN Micra Radio Code Please!

    Hi, try 2281 or 0281....
  2. John_D

    NISSAN Micra Radio Code Please!

    Sorry Mike, I can only supply codes for BlauPunkt made radios, where the serial number starts with 'BP', followed by twelve digits...
  3. John_D

    NISSAN Micra Radio Code Please!

    Hi, try 9412 or 1412....
  4. John_D

    NISSAN Micra Radio Code Please!

    Hi Steve, 1971 should solve your problem...
  5. John_D

    Fuse rear screen heater

    'Just' the N/S headlight. The fuse/relay box is NOT openable, the 'top' that you see is really the 'bottom' and does not come off, you have to unclip the unit (no need to unplug anything) and invert it to get access to the fuses and relays underneath (with no covering 'top')...... Don't you just...
  6. John_D

    Fuse rear screen heater

    Fuses 45 and 46 in the fuse/relay box under the N/S headlight, are the ones for the heated rear screen. The F13 fuse is only fitted to cars that have heated rearview mirrors and is fed by the same feed that goes to the heated rear screen, after the F45 and F46 fuses, (which are connected in...
  7. John_D

    K12 radio code

    Hi, try 7761 or 1761........
  8. John_D

    K12 Radio Codes

    Only one possible code for your radio, 1616......
  9. John_D

    NISSAN Micra Radio Code Please!

    Try 9616 or 1616.....
  10. John_D

    K12 Radio Codes

    By trying random codes, supplied by others that haven't got the software to find the code specific to your radio serial number may leave you with a locked radio, that at best, will ask you to wait for one hour before inputting the code again...
  11. John_D

    K12 Radio Codes

    Hi, try 8436 or 0436....
  12. John_D

    Newbie, just bought 2005 micra with only 6,500 miles on the clock

    Driving in cold wet weather is going to be 'interesting'....
  13. John_D

    Newbie, just bought 2005 micra with only 6,500 miles on the clock

    Hope the tyres are not the original ones.....
  14. John_D

    K12 Radio Codes

    Hi, try 5203 or 1203....
  15. John_D

    K12 radio code

    Hi, try 8183 or 0183....
  16. John_D

    K12 Radio Codes

    My software only decodes radios made by Blaupunkt so yes only 'BP' codes...
  17. John_D

    K12 Radio Codes

    Hi, try 2589 or 0580.......
  18. John_D

    K12 Radio Codes

    Try 6102 or 0102....
  19. John_D

    NISSAN Micra Radio Code Please!

    Well the first serial number comes up with 8333 or 0333 and the second number comes up with the code 0241, take your pick...
  20. John_D

    NISSAN Micra Radio Code Please!

    Only one possible here, 0077.....