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  • Hi frank, here's a quick question for you. Appreciate your help...
    Someone unknown wrecked my left rear door. My K11 is preface lift - 1994 model.
    So the question is: Will a rear left door from a face lift K11 fit my preface lift K11?
    Because from all the pics i have seen the doors look identical?!
    I can get the door at a good price, so please share your info with me

    i guess the door shell will be the same alex, you may have to shift some of the plastic captive nuts tho :)
    Thanks for the info mate! I knew your were the one i should contact :)

    After work i'll go and pick up the door from a scrape yard. I hope my interior (from my crashed door) will fit directly to the door from the face lift K11.

    Cheers mate and thanks alot!
    Hey mate! Just here to inform you that i picked the car 2 days ago from the workshop. The new door shell from the facelift K11 fits perfectly.

    Also sorted out the rust problem in the right back arch. Car looks like new now :)

    Thanks mate for your info! It helped ;)

    Hi Frank, i'm just building a new engine CGA block and pistons and a CG head. Any idea how much to skim off the head to get around 11.5 : 1 CR ?
    Cheers Steve
    there is a thread on here where we worked out the combustion chamber cc,s etc steve, try a search on "chamber" username frank :)
    Hey Frank, regarding the manifold; how much do you want for it?
    i,ll pm it mate :), its a pre coilpack mani tho btw
    Yeah, I know they are. If it'll still fit fine with a pre-coilpack cat and a Peter Lloyd system (Going onto a coilpack Micra) then that's fine.
    yes, thats a good setup for the coilpack,s mate (AJC has the same on his eh)
    Hey :) long time no see im considering getting a micra once again .. just wonderin to build an Highcompression engine witch is the better engine a 1L or 1.3L ?? as this would be a complete and utter rebuild project
    hiya mate, definitely 1.3 :)
    am i right in thinking 1L postons on a 1.3 ?? and tht makes it high comp ??
    yes mate :)
    Hi frank, I have just got myself a super s, u may have seen it before, but can u give me some advice about getting more power from it, and I also have a problem with it over fueling as I know its just a standard car, any ideas? thanks
    hi plum, its just the usual stuff that members do for more power, checkout the blogs eh, and a duff coolant sensor can cause overfueling mate
    Hi frank it's muzzy with the white super s, just wanted to know was it quite a bother to fit a turbo to your micra and how much did it cost you all in all. If I can, could I come and have a look see at your set up as I didn't get to see it at the meet. Cheers pal
    frank ive just noticed my timing chain is rattling, do you know wheres cheapest to get one, or if i could just repace the tensioner if its worn badly? cheers
    dunno mate, never bought one :) best to check it first eh (did,nt you keep the 1.0 bits ?)
    i did but the tensioner was shot mate :/
    I daw that you sell turbo set ups mite be wrong though I am interested in getting one in the nect couple of months how much for a turbo setup for a 1.3cg engine if not any advice on gettin one up and running
    Hi Frank. Are you still running turbo? Last time I read you were trying to make adjustable fuel pressure regulator using a vacuum advance unit from an a series dizzy. Did you get anywhere with that? Im trying to run ghetto boost at the mo :)

    hope you are well.
    hi kev, yes mate still boostin, the ghetto reg worked well (loads of info on the cisco "ghetto turbo" blog)
    it gave 10:1 a/f/r.s throughout the rpm, but i det,d a few engines and now run a fusion nistune with a far safer spark map
    you alright mate just a quick question was thinking of importing and sr16 to pu in my k11 juat wanted ti get some heads up before doin it for example do you kno if its plug and play or wether I need the loom and how dificult is it to do money isnt an issue yet haha
    Hey up frank, is it ok if I bring my micra down to you on saturday or sunday for you to have a look at my sticky stiff gear problem. Thanks. Ryan.
    i work weekends ryan, midweek would be better tbh
    Ok, I'll be intouch to let you know if I can make it. Thanks frank.
    Hey frank :) I was reading a thread and I saw your panhard rod
    Is it home made? Does it do the same job as a white line one?
    Anything to save money haha :)
    Cheers Dan.
    it is,nt adjustable dan, just a shorter tube with the stock ends welded on :)
    Hey up frank, I have sagging doors on my k11 1.3lx 3 door. I read on a thread that you used a block of wood to cure it. I am just abit confused on how it works and how you do it. Is it pretty simple to do. Please can you type me up a step by step tutorial so I can do it. Thanks.
    I get ya mate. Cant I just life the door just using my arms? My mechanic just lifted the doors on my previous micra do adjust the height and that cured my problem. Ryan.
    you,ve answered your own question
    Ha ha, so I have. I'll do that tomorrow then.
    Hey frank. I would rather bring my micra to you and let you have a look at it and fix it for me, because your like the king on here when it comes to fixing micras. I only live in stoke on trent so it will only cost me a tenner in fuel. Ryan.
    i could have a look if you want mate :)
    Cheers frank, I appreciate that. I will have to let you know when I'm next free, and then if you're free at the time then I'll drive down. I'm gonna have to put up with it for a couple of weeks until I get paid.
    Hey frank i've been told by many your the guy any one with a micra needs, (you helped me with my timing) its all done now thankyou, But now my clutch is giving up, i don't think its been rite for a while i wound it out and it lasted a little longer, im very heavy footed to be fair, is there any decent cheapish clutches that are better then the standard?? cheers.
    i,ve only ever used partworn nissan/luk ones personally mate :)
    Ohhh rite ok, well i've found a lot of cheapo £36'ers so i'm thinking they can't be too bad and at £36 i don't mind replacing it more then once haha cheers again pal!
    is this expensive frank and could i ask for your opinion on which local micra specialist to take it to were based in Wolverhampton
    any garage could fit one, would charge about £500 probably tes
    question time :) lol when you fitted the 1.3 crank and rods to the 1.0l block which engine did you use the main crank shells from?
    have you stripped a t15 before frank? i have one and the bearing feel like its started to sieze
    how would i check? just run oil through form thee feed hole?
    yes, trickle some oil in, and spin it eh, if its been standing a while there,s probably some dried out oil residue
    nice on cheers frank :)
    Replacing my maf meter what size are the torx bits?
    oddball 5 pointed one aint it mate ?
    Ill check ot for deffo tomorrow am not at work today
    they were 5 point torx bits but got round it and got maf changed :) cheers frank
    i hear 1.3 piston in the 1.ol is less compression how true is this?
    whats his user name frank?
    jas lol :) about 4 yrs ago
    found it, was micrajas and from a quick read he just used the 1.0 pistons unless i read wrong he mentioned using them
    yes the 4 x 14mm ones mate, the 2 support brackets would be needed if rallying i guess, and the tin cover would be needed on dirt roads prob
    wait,,aren these dirt rds :)
    The 4 bell housing bolts? And i see why you removed the tin plate from behind the flywheel made it take longer than needed when doing my clutch
    just remembered i was meant to ask,
    The bars that fasten to the bottom of the block and to the bottom of the box, are these important as ive stripped the hole in the block on the one closest to the rear of the engine bay
    Well i put the sump on last month and dont seem to have gad any problems since so al drive :)
    mine were fine once cleaned, you might find the oil control rings totally gummed tho
    yeah i did have completley clean it ill probs do it when i remove the head to do the gasket, since i put it in its been filled with a flush and at least 2 or 3 changes in the last 4 thou mile so cleaner you reckon? oh and new sump so no sludge kicking around in there
    did you have to dig the black sludge out of the headbolts lol :) i,ve had ones like that too (like you say, its prolly a lack of oilchanges)
    when i removed my rocker cover on the current 1.4 to paint it i notice a black carbon looking deposits around the head so scraped most of it out, is this due to lack of service and maintenance such as oil change or do i have a problem was end tha breather pipes attatch
    Nah chris, work/the track is pretty mental atm (loads of groupon arrive,n,drive people)
    Not good enough dude. whats the clearance like on the corsa pistons? Does it come over the block.
    ive tried letting a little tension off the cable like loosening the nut but only by about 1 turn maybe turn n half could it need more?
    changed clutch today with help from solarice, now its changed the biting point is at the bottom, but there is loads of play in the pedAL before it starts to operate the clutch at the bottom of the pedal any idea on what this is?
    Its bigger than mine eh :) the td05 compressor is 50 id and 55 od inlet, and 42 id, 50 od on the outlet
    alright frank how much do you charge for your offset panhard rod bush as i should really do something to correct the movement lol?
    hahaha Frank, i'm kind of a noob to this and really want to learn, it would be great talking to you about any mods i can do to increase hp and power, i want to keep it N/A, let me ring you pleasee haha, (i sound like a little kid in a candy shop please mummy can i buy those sweets) :p
    the wee lepricorn,s fitted mine while i was fast asleep one night asif :D its just the time factor tbh (or lack of it)
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