K13 help please

Good evening all, I am new to this group and hi to all,
I have a k13 which I have had from new and has only covered 75k, I have run into a problem the engine management light keeps coming on I have now paid out a few times to have it cleared no idea what the code was but it was down to the battery/ replacement which I had done a few mouth ago, anyway is the a tool/meter I can buy so I can do the job myself, have looked on e bay and found some for less an £20 but will they work thanks in advance for your help.
Hi = this forum is pretty much dormant. A cheap OBD11 scanner and down loading a blu tooth car scanner app on your phone will allow you to read codes and clear them ( I use' car scanner' app - not paid anything but should donate really) But ti wont allow you to do any thing fancy like a proper garage one. If you just ask around the local pub or your chums I expect someone will have a cheap you can borrow.
Clearing the code is a temp fix. You need to find out what it is and they should have told you. Then just research on internet. But i can be a rabithole too. :) Changing a battery should not normally throw up a code - and the idea you need to reprogramme after a battery change is bollox for a little car like the micra AGM/stop/start or not. So thats a red herring. Good luck.