Recent content by villanueva_00

  1. villanueva_00

    Year of Manufacturing

    Hi, the letter "U" on the VIN means that is a European market car. There isn´t a way of clearly looking for the manufacturing date. Probably the only place that might be able to have manufacturing date records is a Nissan dealer itself. I know that some plastics have the manufacturing year/month...
  2. villanueva_00

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    Hi Paul i had lots of trouble passing emission with my preface 1L K11. Stock map, cleaned injectors, good MAF values and okay response for the 02 sensor. I even changed the middle cat an still wouldnt pass CO test. So i used a facelift front cat (which is about 40mm longer). This one supposedly...
  3. villanueva_00

    Is it possible to Change milage on Tachometer?

    Think Marteen posted a guide on his facebook page. LINK
  4. villanueva_00

    How to replace the aircon indicator bulb?

    I have never fiddle with the AC switch but is all built in on the heater control panel so im pretty sure you gotta take the hole panel. The light seems to be built in with the double switch (i assume by how is represented on the schematic). The switch gives 12V on the output on 2 pins, one for...
  5. villanueva_00

    unknown issue with car not always starting and loses power

    Yeah they values i posted can be check either with a scan tool or with a regular analog voltmeter. Thats anormal OBD2 plug so i guess most common readers will work. Earlier K11´s had the special 14 pin consult connector.
  6. villanueva_00

    unknown issue with car not always starting and loses power

    I am going to assume that you have a facelift micra with removable MAF and Coil on plugs instead of a distributor. I would suggest a scanner so that you can check live data along with value specs on the manual (you can download the factory service manual on this forum). From what you have...
  7. villanueva_00

    Will these wheels fit? :)

    Spec wise they should fit pretty much the same as the stock 13' wheels. However ask the hub size before as on prefacelift micras the diamater is kinda big and a lot of 13 or even 14' wheels dont fit (stock hub is 59,1mm). If the hub is smaller you can have them machined, price depending on your...
  8. villanueva_00

    Opinions and advice needed on 13 / 14 inch wheels

    I run 13x5.5 with a decent sidewall (175/60). So if you ran a 14x6 with like a 185/50 your overral diameter is pretty much the same. Adding just 0.5 of an inch in wideness wouldnt be a problem plus you can run a more agrresive ET to poke the wheels closer to the arch (Thus having even more...
  9. villanueva_00

    Radiator hoses

    Upper hose (thermostat to radiator): 215014F100 Lower hose: 2150350B00 Good luck finding new OEM hoses (seems that they stopped making them a long time ago. They have some chinese silicon hoses on ebay (3 hose kit). The fit is not perfect but work fine (i had to shorten one on mine by like...
  10. villanueva_00

    Nissan Micra K11 Hitachi Distributor Shaft Seal

    Thanks for the info, was just looking for that seal a couple of weeks before!
  11. villanueva_00

    K11 1998 1.3 swap nats issues numerous fix's failed

    Then im pretty sure that it must be the ECU. When i was fiddling with my non-NATS early ECUs i managed to somehow break one ECU i had for tests and the car did the same as you say, start and run for like 5 seconds(Due to the rail still having pressure). I still havent found the fault with that...
  12. villanueva_00

    K11 1998 1.3 swap nats issues numerous fix's failed

    Yeah thats the one with a 14 pin connector. I never used the mini CD for the driver install but pretty much all come with FTDI 232RL chips to convert USB into UART so you can get drivers directly from FTDI website
  13. villanueva_00

    K11 1998 1.3 swap nats issues numerous fix's failed

    I have never work with a micra with NATS but i know they can cause some trouble. This case is strange as you said car was working fine. Few tips i can think of: Check fuses and relays. Put a screwdriver on the injector (to hear it click while cranking) or take them out with the fuel rail still...
  14. villanueva_00

    Distributor help.

    Checking the manual it looks like all models had the 6 pin and 2 ping connectors (for the ignition coil and transistor). However it seems that from the connector only 5 pins out of 6 are used. (I checked on both manuals the early and late dizzy micras and looks the same). I am gonna check today...
  15. villanueva_00

    Distributor help.

    All Micras with de CG10DE and CG13DE distributor engines had the same distributor. So you can probably get whatever is compatible. I don´t know about this part number 2210074B00 but searching for the part i came with this other part number: 2210099B04. A new dizzy might be a bit pricey so you...