novocaine's latest activity

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    novocaine replied to the thread K12 Micra Rear Axle Bushes.
    which bushes? the subframe bushes are the only one I can think of back there and they are 17 quid each. drop the axle (4 bolts, two...
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    novocaine replied to the thread Dot the big bottomed C+C.
    Dot left today. She went in px for a new car. So long folks, I have nothing worth adding anymore. Good luck to Dot the big bottom CC.
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    novocaine replied to the thread 3 and 5 door rear arch’s?.
    Ok, I'll put it a slightly different way. Your friendly local body shop and welder may not fit it as they will be worried about major...
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    novocaine replied to the thread 3 and 5 door rear arch’s?.
    the arch is the same shape but the panel still may not fit. it will also be a bitch to weld in and not distort the panel. have you...
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    novocaine replied to the thread Trunk striker.
    least to worst invasive approach to screw extraction. cold chisel, set to side of screw and tapped with hammer to turn it. dremel a...
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    novocaine replied to the thread Suspension Issues?.
    Bushes and drop links. Front subframe bushes die, leave a harsh ride. And what Mr Paul said above.
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    novocaine replied to the thread High rpm while idle! K12 2010.
    reset the throttle position sensor. have you run a diagnostic to see what fault codes are showing?