Recent content by MicraKeen

  1. M

    K11 Ignition Barrel/Switch Fault

    My K11 2001 1.4 SE has a faulty ignition key switch in that after starting the engine, the key wont return to the "engine running" position, so the starter motor is still rotating. To stop it I have to manually turn the key back to the "running" position. I guess that the barrel is worn and the...
  2. M

    New to the Micra scene

    Hi, what type of lights are they and what was the cost, if you don't mind my asking?!
  3. M

    Fuel Gauge or Sender Unit?

    Thanks for the info. The e-manual will be very useful.
  4. M

    Fuel Gauge or Sender Unit?

    Thanks for your reply. You have referred to a tachometer but my car doesn't have one - or am I misunderstanding something? To remove the sender unit, this is dealt with in the FE section of the manual, which I don't have. Is this available online?
  5. M

    Fuel Gauge or Sender Unit?

    The petrol gauge on my 2001 1.4 Micra constantly reads "full" after refilling - even after covering about 100 miles. Is there a simple test to see whether the fault lies with the gauge or the fuel tank sender unit? Thanks in advance.
  6. M

    Catalytic Converter

    Thanks for enlightening me!
  7. M

    Catalytic Converter

    You seem to have stopped mid sentence: what is the mil?
  8. M

    Catalytic Converter

    Thanks for your reply. If there was a cracked exhaust manifold, wouldn't the EWL remain permanently lit?
  9. M

    Catalytic Converter

    I'm surprised that no-one can offer any advice?!
  10. M

    Catalytic Converter

    I have a 2001 K11 Micra with a 1.4 litre petrol engine. current mileage is 128 110. The engine warning light has appeared twice in the last nine months, and indicated the same fault code: PO 420. The garage cleared the fault code and installed Cataclean in the petrol tank. The EWL remained...
  11. M

    Rotary multi-tool - advice

    There are so many rotary multi-tools to choose from that I am bewildered. I'm looking for a cordless one which will drill, cut, grind, sand and polish, complete with a range of tools. It needs to be a well-known make for ease of obtaining spares and not over-expensive. I'm not a professional...
  12. M

    Front anti-roll (stabiliser) bar drop link sheared.

    Thanks, you've just confirmed what I had in mind!
  13. M

    Front anti-roll (stabiliser) bar drop link sheared.

    This happened to my 2001 K11 Micra today and I thought it an easy job to remove the link & bushes - wrong! I've soaked the link rod and lower securing nut with Plus Gas and I can just turn it in the the eye of the anti-roll bar. The top nut and bush disappeared with the sheared off bit of the...
  14. M

    K11 PARTS

    Do you have a petrol filler neck pipe in good condition available for a 2001 K11 Micra SE?