Recent content by dcinoz

  1. D

    MA09 Engine + Gearbox dimensions

    you needed to see the mess! The mini "conversion' was literally a micra front welded here ad there to a mini shell with self tapping screws etc etc. There was a nice 75mm gap between the floorpans - puddles would have been good! It was a really badly done job - so just for bits. I'd be...
  2. D

    MA09 Engine + Gearbox dimensions

    it will fit into.... Hi Snikty, well this is where I come out - sort of!! - I don't have a Micra shell. I haven't been able to see one anywhere in Oz for ever. Smidge got a whole car but they are very rare. I ahve an engine box and lots of bits - and bits missing too - my idea was to slip it...
  3. D

    Buying an MA09

    no not yet! the engine is dangling in space in the engine bay. I look at it a lot but there is rather a lot to do given that lack of bits and pieces. I might be a bit more inspired if I actually new it would run! Dave
  4. D

    Buying an MA09

    Hi Smidge, I got that front cut so don't despair over not having the guys email Dave