Recent content by Arnold

  1. Arnold

    New to the Micra scene

    Welcome to the club :)
  2. Arnold

    JAE 2021 - All the info you need!

    Can't wait! Fingers crossed it actually happens.
  3. Arnold

    JAE 2019 Stand list - post here if you're coming!

    Come to the show (if it happens) then you can look at the stuff for real!
  4. Arnold

    Worst Micras You've Seen

    Different era seeing some of these Micras, remind me when the scene first started. Delta kits, Venom wheels, bolt on spoilers and the like. Now instead of the above parts, people will just stance, bag and make their cars drive broken instead of look broken.
  5. Arnold

    JAE 2019 Discussion Thread

    I'm trying to get a Japanese car for this so I don't have to bring the Peugeot.
  6. Arnold

    Nissan march Super Turbo

    MOT expired in 2014 and it's currently Sorned according to the DVLA website.
  7. Arnold

    Beaulieu simply Japanese

    I was going to go but something else has come up, but looks like it'll be a good event. Have a good one!
  8. Arnold

    JAE 2016 Stand List - Post here if you're attending!

    I'll be there Thursday onwards now. Can't wait :D
  9. Arnold

    JAE 2016 - Discussion Thread!

    Just bought my ticket! Can't wait
  10. Arnold

    JAE 2016 Stand List - Post here if you're attending!

    Me Me Me!!! Just won't be there until late Friday as I can't get the day off work
  11. Arnold

    ED Fusion

    He's a busy guy, but that's definitely his contact details. Keep trying
  12. Arnold

    JAE 2015 - Discussion Thread!

    I'll be there! Bit further away but they could have it in Scotland and i'd still go
  13. Arnold

    JAE 2015 Stand List | Post Here if you're coming!

    I'm there!! - Why is the MSC saying i'm an unpaid member :confused:
  14. Arnold

    My wedding day

    Congratulations Ant, looks like a great day.