Recent content by 1275

  1. 1275

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    As long as the fail isn't dangerous or major.
  2. 1275

    Annoying issue - headlight-still-on bleeper.

    Growing up without such mod cons I never leave the car without turning everything off, it just comes naturally.
  3. 1275

    Who is moderator here?

    I'd say @James is the big cheese :)
  4. 1275

    What has changed on the facelift versions of the K11 Micra compared to the pre-facelift K11?

    Non sunroof Inspiration has a tacho, the sunroof version doesn't. There are other versions with, Si I think but don't know the ins and outs of others.
  5. 1275

    Alarming jerking motion when driving, feels like the car is braking!

    I'd try some new spark plugs first if you have a slight misfire, mine was doing that and new plugs cured it, obviously I don't know from here if you have the exact same symptoms.
  6. 1275

    Changing cv boot with parkside impact driver

    I never touched the nut, all that can stay in place, including the bottom ball-joint and track-rod-end, no need to touch them.
  7. 1275

    Wondering where I can locate the oil filter

    Low down on the back of the block towards the left, accessible from underneath.
  8. 1275

    Different steering racks/upgrades

    Are they both power-assisted?
  9. 1275

    PollyMobiles Rebuild

    I watched this just the other day, hopefully it will answer your question.
  10. 1275

    Micra k11 Brake Upgrade Options

    I did buy another just the same, I figured I'd collect all the parts over time, however I get a feeling the carriers will be like hens-teeth. Those calipers have just arrived from America, it took 11 days, they're just as good as the ones photoed, with little to no corrosion before the refurb...
  11. 1275

    recommended front brake

    Many years ago I bought some Blueprint pads for mine which I highly rated, so I bought some more as spares from the same supplier a very short time later, only to find they were a completely different material, those second set of pads are now on and compared to the first ones generate more...
  12. 1275

    Brake booster

    I'd say yes.
  13. 1275

    Micra k11 Brake Upgrade Options

    Hopefully you're still here, can you tell me if these are the ones you refer to please? I'm drawing a blank here in the UK thanks...
  14. 1275

    Info on non-original engine

    It could just be a simple mistake in the service book. I have one that gives the cc as 1298 cc on the log book ! as opposed to the correct 1275.