K12 (2004) Power Steering Fix

My dad's '04 K12 Power steering stopped working a month ago. At the time he had a scan done and the codes were reset. It worked for a week an the fault came back. (From Consult II the faults were (relating to power steering): motor fault and control unit fault. Called Nissan and got the relevant part number for the entire steering unit ( 44810-AX003) as neither just the motor or control unit could be replaced or serviced (according to Nissan). The cost new for this part is 1759.00 vat inclusive...ouch!! no way !
Well, the new part was not an option, so we got a mechanic to remove the unit, took it to an electrician friend who serviced the motor and control unit (so much for Nissan saying it can't be serviced) The electrician re soldered all parts in the unit that could be soldered and that was it.
The unit was replaced, the Consult II was used to re scan and clear the codes (note that the engineer (who works for Nissan) indicated that due to the wiring set up on the Micra, fault codes trickle to many other parts of the car at the same time) so many codes had to be reset!
All working fine now , approx. one month later.
I'm posting this as a possible fix to anyone else who may encounter PS problems.
My dad's '04 K12 Power steering stopped working a month ago. At the time he had a scan done and the codes were reset. It worked for a week an the fault came back. (From Consult II the faults were (relating to power steering): motor fault and control unit fault. Called Nissan and got the relevant part number for the entire steering unit ( 44810-AX003) as neither just the motor or control unit could be replaced or serviced (according to Nissan). The cost new for this part is 1759.00 vat inclusive...ouch!! no way !
Well, the new part was not an option, so we got a mechanic to remove the unit, took it to an electrician friend who serviced the motor and control unit (so much for Nissan saying it can't be serviced) The electrician re soldered all parts in the unit that could be soldered and that was it.
The unit was replaced, the Consult II was used to re scan and clear the codes (note that the engineer (who works for Nissan) indicated that due to the wiring set up on the Micra, fault codes trickle to many other parts of the car at the same time) so many codes had to be reset!
All working fine now , approx. one month later.
I'm posting this as a possible fix to anyone else who may encounter PS problems.

I'm sorry but when I read this I had to laugh.

The motor is NOT servicable and shouldn't be removed from the system. I I promise you the "electrian" wouldn't be able to re-solder all the parts within the system unless he know what he was doing and even then you wouldn't do it.

wiring set up on the Micra, fault codes trickle to many other parts of the car at the same time) so many codes had to be reset!

And this comment is not correct, His talking about the CAN system and no system failing should effect any other system within the vehicle. If you paid this bloke I would ask for you money back cos all his done is cleared the EPS Fault Code.

I hope the system wasn't rotated whiles it was out of the vehicle as the system has an alighnment and should be kept to straight ahead, if this is changed you vehicle will pull to one side or stop the active straight ahead positioning and raise a fault code with the EPS system again.

Let me know WHEN you have more problems as this will create more problems then you original had.

Considering I've worked with the K12 EPS system for the last 7 years and know everything about the system (and I mean everything), I've got the advantage at the moment.
Probably. Anyhow, either the OP will come back a <i> little </i> annoyed, or it'll turn out something interesting is happening (whatever that maybe)
Considering I've worked with the K12 EPS system for the last 7 years and know everything about the system (and I mean everything), I've got the advantage at the moment.

I personally very rarely use electronic or computer diagnosis for the simple fact that fault codes very very rarely provide a correct diagnosis. Only ever used by me as a hint in the right direction. Seen parts changed many a times by main dealers because computers told them so.

All parts of a car are serviceable to a degree and lets face it faced with a price tag of £1800 your going to take the risk.
Hello there I got a nissan micra k12 with the same PS light problem and I want to know If theres a cheap or easy way to fix it?
I don't live on Uk.

Thank you
All sorted, another happy chappy!
Hi, my daughter has a 2005 1.2 with the dreaded power steering light, could you fix / replace it for me. Obviously I would arrange carriage both ways and willing to pay for your time and expertise. My number is 07525464043

Have you read; https://www.micra.org.uk/threads/eps-power-steering-column-what-actually-goes-wrong.66451/

Unfortunately I decided to hang my helping cape up (read the last few post) Sorry, I did not appreciate the comments I received, even know I helped over 25 people on this forum. Never had anyone who I helped say a bad word, but unfortunately you have some di@@@ that think they know best.

Please do not do what is suggested in this link with the NVM chip.

You may need to go to Nissan and get an aftermarket one. Unfortunately they do cost over £1000.

Thank you

Have you read; https://www.micra.org.uk/threads/eps-power-steering-column-what-actually-goes-wrong.66451/

Unfortunately I decided to hang my helping cape up (read the last few post) Sorry, I did not appreciate the comments I received, even know I helped over 25 people on this forum. Never had anyone who I helped say a bad word, but unfortunately you have some di@@@ that think they know best.

Please do not do what is suggested in this link with the NVM chip.

You may need to go to Nissan and get an aftermarket one. Unfortunately they do cost over £1000.

thank you Jason. I’ve managed to get a shaftec reman unit. Hopefully it all goes well lol
Out of interest, how much was this?
lukily I work for a small family owend motorfactors so I got it at cost price which was just short of £400, normal trade price would be around £500 so not too bad really, Just got to fit it now. Customer of ours is letting me use his workshop so should be ok. had technical info from shaftec about straight ahead, erasing codes and disconecting the battery so fingers crossed.
I had the same with a PSU on my Fiat Panda. Fiats own branded unit was prohibitively priced, to a degree of stupidity, so I went to these guys in Bristol, not sure whether they do a unit for the Micra, but I have just purchased a K12 2007 1.2 and have kept their card just in case. Great forum by the way. Some nice info. https://shop.westernpowersteering.co.uk/

Just noticed they do at £207 with a lifetime warranty. (The one I had fitted on my Fiat was still going strong when I traded it against the Nissan today)
lukily I work for a small family owend motorfactors so I got it at cost price which was just short of £400, normal trade price would be around £500 so not too bad really, Just got to fit it now. Customer of ours is letting me use his workshop so should be ok. had technical info from shaftec about straight ahead, erasing codes and disconecting the battery so fingers crossed.
Sorry mate, I know I could of helped for 1/4 of that cost. Due to someone on this forum I decided not to help any more.

Hope your issue is sorted now though.

Hi Jason,

Please advise, since guys over here (Sri Lanka) have no idea.

Mine is having heavy steering and does not show any errors (Dash Board). Have tried disconnecting intermediate shaft and turning the steering with engine running is still heavy. When I remove the connections to EPS, PS warning light turns on. Apart from heavy steering, it does not center itself either. What could be the case?
Can a steering calibration solve this?
Anyway to properly diagnose?
This does not have intelligent key and is a 2007 jdm model. Can I fit a recon unit without any issue?

Thanks in Advance


Have you read; https://www.micra.org.uk/threads/eps-power-steering-column-what-actually-goes-wrong.66451/

Unfortunately I decided to hang my helping cape up (read the last few post) Sorry, I did not appreciate the comments I received, even know I helped over 25 people on this forum. Never had anyone who I helped say a bad word, but unfortunately you have some di@@@ that think they know best.

Please do not do what is suggested in this link with the NVM chip.

You may need to go to Nissan and get an aftermarket one. Unfortunately they do cost over £1000.

Hi Jason,

Sorry for the delay. I have scanned with multiple devices and did not find any DTC issues. (But never by a nissan agent. They are expensive)
I have never changed the unit and I have no idea whether it has been changed before. (by previous owners.)

Has it been replaced before?
Have you done an DTC check, is there any ABS issues?

Hi Jason .....are you still out there ? I need some help. I've just bought a 2006 Micra with only 15000 miles ....and the eps has packed up. There was a electrical burning smell and when I took the unit apart the printed circuit by the wiring connectors has fried ! Do I need to get a new unit or is this repairable ? Part number is 48810 BC00A
Why are you taking it apart, do you know the risk you appose here? I would replace the system, I’m not gonna comment on this failure mode as it is something I cannot do.
Update : I managed to get a secondhand unit from a 2007 Micra steering code 48810BC00B ....
It works fine but the immobiliser comes on after ten minutes or so of driving. Can this used unit be programmed in or does it have to be told it's lhd because of the dongle ?
Many thanks
Where are you located, this can be removed, I take it you have not removed your battery or you have not had a flat battery yet!
And if you brought a LHD unit, your phase angle would be out, so therefore your straight ahead position will be out and I bet your car is pulling to one side.
Where are you located, this can be removed, I take it you have not removed your battery or you have not had a flat battery yet!
I'm located in Kent so a bit of a trek to where you are. The battery has been on and off the vehicle as before I bought it the previous owner was concerned about it catching alight because of the electrical burning smell in the cabin. It's only done 15k. I had to charge the battery up and I have to wait 10-15 minutes before the immobiliser light will go off ...and then it's fine and starts every time ....its just the light coming on after driving it for a while.
And if you brought a LHD unit, your phase angle would be out, so therefore your straight ahead position will be out and I bet your car is pulling to one side.
It's not a lhd unit. I was told that the dongle on the car won't recognise the new steering column but as lhd models don't have a dongle then this is one way around it ? I'm sure I read,it on this forum ?
I can help remove if you need, but how’s the straight ahead positioning or have you removed the column and re- positioned?
The dongle is activated in the BCM, the eps is the same for LHD and RHD variants. It depends if the BCM queries the EPS for the security dongle. Putting a LHD unit in won’t help.
The unit has already been fitted and I've been driving it. It does steer to the left very slightly but I'm not sure if it's just the tracking that's out or if the unit needs reconfiguring. ....it's just the immobiliser light coming on after a few miles that seems to be the only problem. It's a rhd unit from a 2007 model taking out at the local breakers.
Thanks for your previous replies, I need to book it in for an Mot this week so I will get them to check the tracking to determine if it's that or the eps configuration. ....and then go from there ?
if the eps has been disassembled in its life this maybe why it’s pulling. This can be reconfigured but it may also be showing side load, there are usually signs of disassemble but I’m not gonna get into that. The security can be re learned whilst still on the car so you do not need to remove.
[Nissan Micra 2005 K12 1.24 L 46kw petrol]
Power steering sometimes stops working, red PS indicator on.

Hello dear Micra community! I am turning to you for an advice with this issue. One morning I drove my mother's micra to the shop without any problems. On the way back when I started the micra, power steering was not working and I had the red PS indicator on. I drove home without power steering. Couple hours later I started motor and the power steering was back! But then I lost it again. This leads me to think there might be just an contact issue or something of that sort? Also I have read something about solder on the control unit being sometimes an issue. Mechanic connected diagnostics, codes he read with the diagnostics are C1606 PS motor faulty, C1608 Control unit faulty.

I would like to avoid expensive bill. Can you guys throw some advice on me? Are there some well known issues of this kind with K12 micra power steering? Is there some easy thing we can try DIY tio diagnose and maybe fix to avoid bill from mechanic? Thanks a lot!!!
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[Nissan Micra 2005 K12 1.24 L 46kw petrol]
Power steering sometimes stops working, red PS indicator on.

Hello dear Micra community! I am turning to you for an advice with this issue. One morning I drove my mother's micra to the shop without any problems. On the way back when I started the micra, power steering was not working and I had the red PS indicator on. I drove home without power steering. Couple hours later I started motor and the power steering was back! But then I lost it again. This leads me to think there might be just an contact issue or something of that sort? Also I have read something about solder on the control unit being sometimes an issue. Mechanic connected diagnostics, codes he read with the diagnostics are C1606 PS motor faulty, C1608 Control unit faulty.

I would like to avoid expensive bill. Can you guys throw some advice on me? Are there some well known issues of this kind with K12 micra power steering? Is there some easy thing we can try DIY tio diagnose and maybe fix to avoid bill from mechanic? Thanks a lot!!!
Good morning. The change is not hard, but fiddle but not hard to do. It’s just harder and harder to get a system without previous faults.
Good morning. The change is not hard, but fiddle but not hard to do. It’s just harder and harder to get a system without previous faults.
Hi huttojb! I noticed that you are probably the most knowledgeable person in UK (if not in the world) regarding this particular power steering issue. Thanks a lot for answering!
Right now the fault is gone for some time, but I feel that it will come back for sure. What do you think would be the best course of action for us? Is the issue typically in the control unit? Is it that the pb free solder goes bad after some time? I am an electrical engineer, I believe I would be able to renew the solder.
Or if the solder is not the issue, can I try to find the components from other crashed micra?
Any advice on this matter would be really appreciated!
Have a great day!
Good morning. The change is not hard, but fiddle but not hard to do. It’s just harder and harder to get a system without previous faults.
Huttojb please help. My mothers Micra PS is not working again. The powersteering was functional again after the faults were restarted, by mechanic, but now the fault is back. We are desparate. It is my mothers only way how to commute to grocery store. Without the car she is not able to survive.
What can we do? Is it possible to swapt the whole steering column from another micra? I have read, that this is not possible, because the ECU of the car will recognize that there the swap was done and it will not work.
Another person advised me to try to pull out the ECU from the PS and try to renew the solder on the components on the PS control unit.
Anything else can be done?
Well I'm glad I read this, I'm sick of the car K12 its been nothing but a complete S*** from the start wasted money buying this motor second hand and I am now on the verge of just saying you know what I'm going to scrap it..
The car ain't worth much more than £700 if that and I think I've spent enough time with a silly fault it currently has..
The K11 was the best car Nissan ever made this glorified piece of crap K12 one of the worst cars I've ever bought and certainly would never buy another Nissan ever again.
In fact I think I'll buy an electric bike and say go stuff all the cars today.
I have an absolute pain in the neck of problem with it now and have posted up if anyone can help with it, but I think I'll just throw the towel in and get rid of it, either that or burn it out catch it on fire would probably be the best place for it.
May I suggest my life long solution to all my old bangers after I have finished extracting all the use value I can out of them is to tart them up a little & put the Tin Tart on the private cars for sale local free adds such as Gumtree with a long MOT, selling it for cash as it stands with all its faults.

The K12 notorious problems that instantly render it beyond economic repair at ten years old or more have long been in the public domain that clearly indicate that it is less than optimal for the purpose of economy old banger motoring & is therefore best avoided. :(

Have a look at the HJ.co.uk What To Watch Out For.

Nissan Micra (2003 – 2010) Review | Honest John
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Hi. The EPS has gone again on my daughter's K12 Micra less than a year after I fitted a recon column. That recon column came in at only £ 180 but had only 3 months warranty and has died within 7..

I assumed I could just do the same again but this time round the cheaper sellers arent around and the only recon columns start at £ 360.

Can anyone recommend anywhere that does recon columns please ?

The car is not worth spending large amounts on so the plan B would be for her to just carry on driving it as a manual steering car and just work harder at parking.
Does anyone know if it would get through the MOT with the electric power steering disabled ? Were any K12 Micras available with manual steering for instance so it could become a manual steering car (by taking out the warning light) and be tested as such ?
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Hey mate. The issue with ReCon units are essentially you’re buying a failed unit where the ReCon company has shot-Gunned a component replacement (if that) and cleared the faults without really knowing the actual failure. It’s more hope for the best, the amount of people I have helped after spending a small fortune on a recon unit!

I’ve PM’ed you.
Thanks for the useful instructions. I changed the EPS over yesterday and it's working nicely so far.

Are there any uses for the old unit, seems a shame just to put it out as scrap
On my mother's micra, the C1606 and C1608 PS error codes popped up again :/. Somebody suggested that one of the cheap solutions is to buy the right diagnostic tool and keep resetting the error codes (OBDII is not enough I guess?). Does anybody know what diagnostic do we need to buy to allow us to keep erasing the errors?

Many thanks!

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