Right! I've been lurking on here for a long time now, and thought i better make myself a little better known
. The name should become a bit more obvious in pictures but got her in October 2012 when i was 16, so I've got a lot of backtracking to do!
So, after going through pages and pages of autotrader I finally found her ad on the village board for a absolute steal of £150. Naturally I had to have a look, however when i turned up at the supposed address she was no where to be seen!
Knocking on the door, an old lady answers and before long shoves some gardening tools into my hand and points to a bunch of bushes! Instead of walking away, I got stuck in and eventually pulled out this very dirty looking little green micra!
Not a spot of rust, started as if she'd been run yesterday (not 4 years) and only 37k on the clock for the price i had to have her!
After a new battery,clean oil, some fresh air in the tyres and a tow home i finally gave her a long deserved wash
The only picture I can find, is from what i think was a couple of weeks later
It didn't take me long to fall in love with her!
(See where the name came from?
So the first thing, was get the plastic trims as the steelies weren't up to much and I didn't have a clue what I was doing back then
Couple of months after I got her a set of wind deflectors and a K&N induction kit!
Also added some white led side lights because the stock ones looked a bit naff and well some bad boy....tape?
Sooo, about a year past and I felt it was time to get a set of alloys and managed to pick up a set for £60 off ebay which would do until i could afford a slightly more decent set. I also gave her a full peter lloyd system as the old one left much to be desired.
During this time as well, I had hit a fox at a considerable speed which split my front bumper in half which gave me a good excuse to get her a all green brand new one
So this is how she sat during the first part of this year, I've also moved down to Bournemouth for commercial flight training so you'll have to excuse all the planes in the background
After she flew through her MOT about 2 months ago, I acquired new set of flipped steelies from Doug!
Also tinted her rear lights with a flyeyes kit and added some stickers! quite happy with how she sits at the moment, although some lowering springs should be on the cards very soon
I'll try to update when i can!
thank ya for reading
So, after going through pages and pages of autotrader I finally found her ad on the village board for a absolute steal of £150. Naturally I had to have a look, however when i turned up at the supposed address she was no where to be seen!
After a new battery,clean oil, some fresh air in the tyres and a tow home i finally gave her a long deserved wash
It didn't take me long to fall in love with her!
So the first thing, was get the plastic trims as the steelies weren't up to much and I didn't have a clue what I was doing back then
Couple of months after I got her a set of wind deflectors and a K&N induction kit!
Also added some white led side lights because the stock ones looked a bit naff and well some bad boy....tape?
Sooo, about a year past and I felt it was time to get a set of alloys and managed to pick up a set for £60 off ebay which would do until i could afford a slightly more decent set. I also gave her a full peter lloyd system as the old one left much to be desired.
During this time as well, I had hit a fox at a considerable speed which split my front bumper in half which gave me a good excuse to get her a all green brand new one
So this is how she sat during the first part of this year, I've also moved down to Bournemouth for commercial flight training so you'll have to excuse all the planes in the background
Also tinted her rear lights with a flyeyes kit and added some stickers! quite happy with how she sits at the moment, although some lowering springs should be on the cards very soon
I'll try to update when i can!