TOST - The Official Spam Thread

Turn it off, turn it on.

That was my school's IT departments solution....for everything.

In school we did trivial things like loosen the VGA cables, start the BSOD screensaver.

In college we used to boot Backtrack Linux from USB and change the admin passwords and get around the firewalls.

Oddly enough we could actually get around the student firewall at college by using Firefox portable and changing the proxy server from the student one, to the staff proxy. They did catch on eventually.
That means about as much to me as fkydnkhdhjvh. Ghjvfcjn ggjbfd kpphfeafhkhgk :confused:

Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Turn it off, turn it on.

That was my school's IT departments solution....for everything.

In school we did trivial things like loosen the VGA cables, start the BSOD screensaver.

In college we used to boot Backtrack Linux from USB and change the admin passwords and get around the firewalls.

Oddly enough we could actually get around the student firewall at college by using Firefox portable and changing the proxy server from the student one, to the staff proxy. They did catch on eventually.
My secondary school saved permissions and printer credits as a notepad file... I kept giving people more credits but one day I gave someone too many and it crashed thr system and I got found out. They put some sort of admin only restriction on after that, but I got IT to make me admin level so I could use the scanner and they forgot to reset my priveleges... XD
similar eh chris :) and the hp depends on the level of boost you run innit.
a TD04 can produce 180hp with ease (even abdul,s kit :D)

Yeah thats what I was thinking man, things need shuffling around on the setup but He isnt far off. He got the building blocks just needs some finetunning. or rough re modding lol. Frank can you take a shot at what type of boost I can get from a t2? 170? Would that be pushing the turbo or would that be easy for it?
It'd be maxed out Chris :) unless you change the exhaust trim... or get a bigger turbo :)
T2s run up to approx 15psi reliably.. T25s approx 22psi
If I got a quid for the amont of times I hear 'its a micra' when questions like this come up haha :rolleyes:

D-d-d-d-double post.

How easily available if at all are 155/40/15's? :L

or basically can anyone recommend some tyres to fit on 15 by 6.5j wheels that will give same rolling radius and a slight bit of poke that ear easy to get a hold of :L
Anyone ever doubt their speedo?

Since fitting my steels over a year ago I've stopped trusting my speedo and always believed I was going faster than what it said. Though in reality, due to smaller rolling radius I was going SLOWER than it said.

Anyway, found a tool here which allows you to put in old vs new tyre size and any speed you like and it'll give you speedo/reality readings. Which I found was missing on most tyre sites.
The K11 speedos are pretty accurate below 50mph. After that they soon dial in an over read, which gets progressively larger as speed increases, coming in at a healthy ~10% depending on wheels. Once the needle hits the trip reset they obviously become grossly innacurate :p

I have GPS'd many standard K11s both 1.0 and 1.3 and they are all surprisingly close to the claimed book speeds.
Got a driving test today for the Tesco delivery vans!

Kinda nervous for it and I never get nervous about driving! Maybe cause there's a chance of more money to earn involved giving I pass :p
Got a driving test today for the Tesco delivery vans!

Kinda nervous for it and I never get nervous about driving! Maybe cause there's a chance of more money to earn involved giving I pass :p
Good luck! Just try to keep calm, I'm sure you'll do great.
Well they didnt bother to mention until the day that you had to have a years driving experience to be able to sit the test so I didn't get allowed to sit it :( I'm sitting it in September when my years driving experience comes in but by that time the job vacancies will be gone

Not a happy chappy!
That's pretty shonky when you've built your hopes up, should have been made clear from the start. Unlucky mate :(

Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Found some inspiration:

Zero rake
Huge tuck
Many, many lows

Need to consider relocation my inner arches higher up...
Toyota Matrix Sport Wagon, probably a US model. That's the sort of stance I'm after, if not the hideous spoiler.