TOST - The Official Spam Thread

I hate the finance kids, you know all the 18-25 lot that get the fiesta ST's and corsa/astra vxr's and drive them like complete cocks

At least the finance kids are technically paying for their cars. I used to work at a high school. It was cringey watching 6th formers pass their tests and drive in the next day in brand new cars that mummy and daddy have bought for them.

No matter what people say, if you own an old car chances are it's paid off and you own it 100%. I'd rather have that any day of the week :D
But I'm guessing yours is work related cause no one in their right mind wants a fiat doblo (they're ####)0

Nah mate I'm just a gluten for punishment it's for putting me mountain bike in mainly! Nowt to do with work :p

My only problems been it eating front tyres but I've sorted the camber out now

Handy for carting tools to events in too
The xbox one.... most retarded decision microsoft have made. Not only do they charge a fortune in the first place your not allowed to even share games unless you pay them a fee.
On top of that you cant have it offline because you have to register your game online from what I've read... pathetic
I hope they drown in their own greed
The xbox one.... most retarded decision microsoft have made. Not only do they charge a fortune in the first place your not allowed to even share games unless you pay them a fee.
On top of that you cant have it offline because you have to register your game online from what I've read... pathetic
I hope they drown in their own greed
Actually, I think they've changed all that now. It's still a silly idea. I will probably get round to buying it in the next few years... Only because of Forza :rolleyes:
and thats as far as games go,,,,,i been gaming my k11 a few years now :) a real life thriller game :) involving car pounds popo useless members (hand bag weilding holdy hand type ones too) making bigger cars look smaller, my car gets taller todays like a sauna
and thats as far as games go,,,,,i been gaming my k11 a few years now :) a real life thriller game :) involving car pounds popo useless members (hand bag weilding holdy hand type ones too) making bigger cars look smaller, my car gets taller todays like a sauna

Y'know about 97% of the time I have no clue what you are talking about, I'm sure its all good things though :p
im riddled up full of them

this site was running slow for me cause im on the dark up,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so i tried unfollowing everyone and its gone quicker now :). thawt id let em know whats up
Micra spotting on the way to Windsor.. It's a shame there's some really tatty looking ones.. :(. Someone rescue them please? :p
You lot definate arent working hard enough on the reg plates


any ways man going on his yearly holiday so see you in 2 hours :)