New K11

I'm new here, and I've just bought myself a 98 micra envy for when I pass my test, is there anything you guys would suggest to do to it to upgrade its looks
If it's just looks you're going for, there are plenty of simple things you can do...painting bumpers/grilles, door handles, removing bump-strips, tinting headlights, tinting windows, changing/painting wheels, re-covering door cards and painting interior plastics.....loooooooads!.....have a look around on here and see what you like.....then do whatever!
Heat gun or hairdryer to make it soft, then use a cloth over your fingers to rub it off, then use some petrol or degreaser to get any remains off.

Takes a while but it's worth it
I'm not sure myself as I haven't touched my trim yet although I am going to remove it...I think it will remove some paint so be prepared to tidy that up...unless anyone knows for sure it doesn't...feel free to correct me :D