Is it ok to change remote locking fob batteries yourself?

Hi everyone,

my Mum's remote locking keyfob for her 1998 K11 has just stopped working and she has bought some new batteries to go in it to see if that brings it back to life. The place where she bought them from (Wilco) has said that if she takes the old batteries out, she might have to have the fob "re-coded" to the car. Is this true? Many thanks : )
its a load of crap, they are just trying to get you to pay to have the batteries changed over. it would be stupid to have the option to change batteries but if you did it wouldn't work.

but just to be sure.... if you change the battery on a digital watch for example, the watch doesn't forget the time if you change the battery pretty quickly, this is because they have a small capacitor in them which keeps the memory just long enough while you change the battery, but we are talking 30 seconds.

but if the battery has been dead for months, then the code would have already been lost meaning there is no harm in trying yourself anyway :)