Engine making a 'Chut-chut' noise.

is it on start up?

is it there all the time or only when the engines cold or warm?

or when you rev the car?

need a few more details then the replies will start coming in for you mate:)
Got a Stethoscope? Find out exactly where the noise is coming from...
Did it just start making the noise or has it just got noiseier.....?

k11,s use a chain for the cam,s, it would rattle quicker when you rev up
my upper chain was rattling at 100000 mls, 1 link was hanging by a thread!
the lower chain was still ok at 132000 mls

if its the noise im thinking of, i put DW40 on all my belts and round the alternator and it went away

done the same with my brother in laws Almera and the noise went away aswell