Changing colour of alloys


Ex. Club Member
is there any way to change silver alloys black

i know you can powder coat but that is very expensive

any ideas much appreciated thanks
Fill - if there is any scars, cracks, curbs etc, fill them with soemthing, body filler should be ok, wont last forever though.

Sand it down

Spray the wheels in primer (this is basically a surface to bond between the wheels and the paint.

Spray the wheels in paint, colour of your choice

Lacquer them if the paint requires it.

Someone could probably add a little more detail on than me, i'm just half asleep.
oh right thanks (Y) how durable will that be though

More durable than using poster paints.

It all depends on the surface you're spraying on to, the quality of the paint and primer, how well its put on.

I'm no sprayer. I know people that are, I just go to them and say "make pretty"